Big in Japan: Woman Built A Kayak Out Of A 3D-Printed Image Of Her Vagina
I know you want to make jokes but people, please keep it below the belt line. Get the story here I don’t know if I’d be bragging about my lady [Read More]
I know you want to make jokes but people, please keep it below the belt line. Get the story here I don’t know if I’d be bragging about my lady [Read More]
PanAmPost: US health officials are investigating the origin of an outbreak of salmonella that could be linked to Mexican papayas. The sickness has already claimed the life of one person in New [Read More]
For the most part, Muslims have low IQs. There. I said it. Refute it. Pakistani Village Orders Rape Of Teen Girl For Brother’s Crime. DCVillage elders in Pakistan ordered a [Read More]
Michelle Malkin: Florida truck driver James Matthew Bradley isn’t the mastermind of the human smuggling ring that led to the grisly deaths of 10 illegal immigrants in his rig, which authorities found [Read More]
UPI- …deputies responded Monday afternoon to a report of a “suspicious vehicle” and they located the car at a nearby intersection. Deputies noted the car had no doors, no windows, [Read More]
In Youngstown Ohio, President Trump mocked a protester as he was ejected. He needled the guy and stared him down as he was being thrown out. This is equivalent to having [Read More]
Michelle Malkin- [Doug Powers] Like a boxer’s first words after regaining consciousness flat on the mat after the ten count, Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book speaks volumes: There’s no reason to [Read More]
PJ Media: Suad Saleh, a female professor of doctrine at Al Azhar University, correctly defines the Arabic phrase melk al-yamin — “right hand possession” (see Koran 4:3): [Non-Muslim] female prisoners of wars [Read More]
UPI- An Alaska gun owner shared video of the delicate and disgusting operation to rescue her gun after it fell into a portable toilet. The video, captured last week, shows [Read More]
The father and daughter had a fight over a pen. Yes, a PEN. So he drove his daughter into the desert and left her there without shoes. A passerby found [Read More]
NY Post- “Before the mayor arrives at the 4th Avenue station, [police] officers are to sweep the station for homeless persons as well as the Jay Street station,” reads an [Read More]
Speaking of misinformation, the reason Snopes claims to have lost their revenue stream is because their business partner bought out the ex-wife’s share of the site and they’re horrified that the husband [Read More]
LA Times- The Ruderman Family Foundation, a leading organization advocating on behalf of disabled people, has come out against the forthcoming film “Blind.” The group accuses the movie of “crip-face” — akin to blackface — in [Read More]
WSBTV- A local hospital is now refusing to accept a Christian-based medical plan that covered more than 200 patients in the past year. One of those patients told consumer investigator [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.