Dem wants Pelosi’s job because she isn’t liberal enough
LAT: Stephen Jaffe entered the cafe with a small grin, a riotous print shirt and the blithe confidence of someone who doesn’t much care if people think he’s crazy. The [Read More]
LAT: Stephen Jaffe entered the cafe with a small grin, a riotous print shirt and the blithe confidence of someone who doesn’t much care if people think he’s crazy. The [Read More]
Bloomberg: OPEC’s plan to boost oil prices by cutting production has fizzled, yet it has little choice but to stick with it. Crude has surrendered all of its gains since [Read More]
This was started in another after I posted the book cover Yellow River by I.P. Freely. Rat Fink wanted to play. He had the ol’ Lion Tamer by Claude Ballz [Read More]
USAToday: The number of refugees arriving in the United States has dropped sharply this year because of President Trump’s threats to bar their entry, even though his order for a total 120-day ban [Read More]
TUK: It might be wise to look away now if you are eating or have a weak stomach, but scientists have discovered that ingesting bogies is good for teeth, and [Read More]
Hollywood Reporter: No matter what your political leanings are, Ivanka Trump is a kind of role model,” says Gabriel Chiu of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc. “How many people have [Read More]
The only surviving traditional newspaper in St. Louis, The Post-Dispatch, suspended columnist Stacy Washington after she penned a defense of the NRA in response to an anti-NRA article. The paper declared they [Read More]
Not everyone finds the declaration of transgender tendencies “brave” or “courageous.” Case in point a high school in Idaho that tried to have a little fun with spirit week by [Read More]
Well, it is gold. But she was “only kidding.” Gateway Pundit It would help if you scream while you pee. Try not to make it silly. It should be really [Read More]
A woman called 911 in distress, with a baby stuck in her vagina. One little caveat – the baby was wearing diapers… and was a bout a year-old. She wasn’t [Read More]
Oh, dear…
Now that Donald Trump has been sworn in and we’ve survived the first 100 days, the left is entertaining itself with tales of repressive societies. They’ve put “1984” back on [Read More]
PJM: […] ISIS suggests luring targets by placing an ad at an unemployment center for a job Muslims would not take, then “subdue” each victim as they arrive at the [Read More]
WFB: A U.S. district judge last week ordered California state prison officials to provide free chest-flattening underwear, also known as compression tops, to transgender inmates at women’s prisons and feminine [Read More]
1- Our balls, usually, aren’t the size of tennis balls. 2- They don’t hang down, usually, past the middle thigh. 3. They don’t flop around, usually, twisting in the wind, [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.