Too Many Farooks Spoil the Broth
Why has there been so much confusion and conflicting pictures of the suspects in the San Bernardino terrorist shooting? Because the Farook family decided to name two brothers Syed. And they [Read More]
Why has there been so much confusion and conflicting pictures of the suspects in the San Bernardino terrorist shooting? Because the Farook family decided to name two brothers Syed. And they [Read More]
The Emanuels have gone to Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Chile, Vietnam, Laos, and now he’s heading to Cuba. Quite a carbon footprint. Are they taking solar or wind-powered jets? He says he [Read More]
Why isn’t she responding to requests for a statement by the media? BECAUSE SHE’S DEAD!!! She’s the other woman – Tashfeen Malik (27) Geesh. The dopey old Muslim, Farhan Khan, [Read More]
Posting a Gawker article that pinned the San Bernardino shooting on “whites,” Black Lives Matter leader DeRay Mckesson retweeted a comment that blamed “whiteness” for the attack: Gawker claimed “San [Read More]
Sent in by All Too Much-
UPDATE: I’m happy that I put question marks and used the words allegedly in the initial reports. This picture appears not to be the shooter, and the name Tayyeep Bin [Read More]
What I See Happening In a Trump Presidency By Bill Bennett WAYNE ALLYN ROOT They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or [Read More]
BearingArms: A petulant President Barack Obama demanded that Americans talk about gun control over Thanksgiving. Citizens responded by buying enough firearms in one day to field an entire new military [Read More]
Here it is: Trump is helping Hillary win. That’s why he’s running and spending his own money, it’s to help Hillary. And after Hillary wins the Clintons are going to [Read More]
Another name coming up Tayyeep Bin Ardogan
Which person do you think would handle $45 billion more wisely, The man who generated the wealth in the first place or the man who wants to redistribute it? [Read More]
Lovesick dog walks 10k to see sweetheart The Local- Toto who lives in the town of Scafati, in Salerno, met Lilly, a fellow Dachshund, this summer when their respective owners [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.