Obama’s Winter Holiday In Amerika: “Merry Safe-Place”
Michelle Obama’s Mirror: I don’t know about you, butt I’ve heard enough about the Muslim killers. It may not be enough for Barry, butt when you leave home with your [Read More]
Michelle Obama’s Mirror: I don’t know about you, butt I’ve heard enough about the Muslim killers. It may not be enough for Barry, butt when you leave home with your [Read More]
Twitter does recommendations on who to follow. These were their picks for me – Why should I follow them? Isn’t that the NSA’s job? On another note, Enrique Iglesias is [Read More]
WHAT DO YOU SUPPOSE THIS IS A LIST OF? date location name surname Feb 2005 Keighley Shabir Ahmed Feb 2005 Keighley Munwar Khan Apr 2006 Blackpool Sandeep Chauhan Apr 2006 [Read More]
EAG: CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – Police allege a Texas 13-year-old threatened to kill her classmates on Instagram in hopes of gaining followers on the social media site. The Dallas Morning [Read More]
Created Submitted by Mark L. Created by the great Earl of Taint
Probably the most well-executed Obama parody clip ever produced. Kudos to the makers of this one. ht/ Magnum
Muslim Child Carries His Trophy While Others Smile And Take Pictures!#tcot #ccot #pjnet pic.twitter.com/Sh4U0taGW9 — DR. TWEET, Ph.D. (@Callisto1947) December 5, 2015
EAG: FORREST CITY, Ark. – An Arkansas high school teacher is expected to face multiple criminal charges for allegedly spraying a special education student in the face with mace in [Read More]
MIT did a study a few years ago to assess the economic damage that would be done globally if nations stabilized greenhouse gas emissions or even diminished them over time. They [Read More]
OAN: DETROIT (Reuters) – The United Auto Workers union won its first organizing vote at a foreign-owned auto assembly plant in the U.S. South on Friday, in a groundbreaking victory [Read More]
The NY Times Goes Full Gun Grabby
Patriot Retort: There’s a scene in the great WWII film “The Dirty Dozen” where the men are training on rope climbing. One of the guys — I think it’s Trini [Read More]
ht/ magnum via Moonbattery
NationalSecurity: The shocking sight of journalists storming into the apartment of the San Bernardino terrorists, less than 48 hours after the attack, was apparently allowed by the FBI, which handed [Read More]
Compare and Contrast How The Candidates Responded to San Bernardino Shooting.
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