Gavin breaks it down
Ladies, “Somebody That I Used To Know” teaches you everything you need to know about relationships. [Salty Language!]
Hug a Muz
In a blatant act of committing an utterly meaningless feel-good gesture, a Muslim man stood at one of the spots where Terrorists murdered innocent Parisians, blindfolded himself, and then challenged bystanders to give [Read More]
Which is the bigger issue, that the Donald exaggerated the number of Muslims celebrating 9/11, or the media scrubbing references to the celebrations?
The Conservative Treehouse reports an interesting nugget – The New York Post scrubbed a 2001 article that describes Paterson New Jersey Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers. Here [Read More]
Paul Ryan to Sean Hannity: “That’s Not Who We Are”
Paul Ryan Tells Sean Hannity He Will Not Support Any Cuts To Muslim Immigration: ‘That’s Not Who We Are’ Where have I heard that before?
Excellent Bullpen Post by Abigail Adams – Multiculturalism as a Weapon
It’s about the link between multiculturalism and cultural Marxism and what the real reason for the current wave of refugees is all about. I also received this from Vanaema. It is [Read More]
Latest Hillary eMAil Dump Reveals Blumenthal Was Indeed An Adviser Not “A Friend”
LI At least two emails released in the latest batch of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton‘s private emails appear to contradict her testimony before the House Benghazi Committee that [Read More]
Electric Bikes
Magnum sent this in, worried that I wouldn’t post it because “I hate bikes.” I love bikes. I hate bike riders. Electric bikes are actually not that annoying because they [Read More]
Escape Rooms
I just saw this concept on Impractical Jokers. Every episode ends with one of the Jokers receiving a punishment for having lost the individual challenges of the show. Last night [Read More]
Leftist’s Obsession With Melanin
Swedish leftists looked up one day and saw a country filled with white Swedish people. Like a vapid Hollywood starlet, BureauSwedes decided they needed some more “color” clinging to them on [Read More]
“You can’t afford that”
While in Paris for the Cops21 climate change summit, President Obama took some time off to enjoy a fancy meal at L’Ambroisie with French President Hollande… Story – Breitbart
Hillary Shares Her Spanish-Language ‘Love Story’ With Bill
BigGovernment: Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is using a more romantic language to share her carefully constructed “love story” about her relationship with husband Bill. “Una historia de amor,” Clinton [Read More]
The Irrationality of The Leftist Narrative
The only think consistent about news stories framed by the left is that if they can link a Conservative value to a murderous act they don’t hesitate for a nanosecond, [Read More]
Medical Definition of Today’s Leftists?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder [Small Dead Animals]
Upper and Lower Case Is the Remedy
SusanAlbumParty looks vastly different than SUSANALBUMPARTY. KidsExchange doesn’t look half as bad as KIDSEXCHANGE.