Paul Ryan is in, will seek job of House Speaker
WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Paul Ryan formally declared his candidacy for speaker of the U.S. House Thursday evening, pledging in a letter to GOP colleagues, “We have an opportunity to [Read More]
WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Paul Ryan formally declared his candidacy for speaker of the U.S. House Thursday evening, pledging in a letter to GOP colleagues, “We have an opportunity to [Read More]
NYP— BURLINGTON, Vt. — Officials say vandals burned, decapitated and cut the feet off the namesake statue that had sat outside a Ronald McDonald House in Vermont.
TRENTON, NJ — The health care worker who sharply criticized being quarantined at a New Jersey hospital last year because she had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa said [Read More]
A University of Utah comparative physiologist believes that the human hand evolved its shape over generations not just to grasp tools but to be able to punch without breaking bones [Read More]
Patricia Smith, mother of victim Sean Smith, told CNN that Clinton promised her answers during the casket ceremony but never got back to her.
Jihad Watch- The German churches should redouble their efforts at “Muslim-Christian dialogue.” Surely that will fix this problem right up in a hurry, won’t it? Otherwise, with hundreds of thousands more [Read More]
WND: NEW YORK – As former Sectary of State Hillary Clinton prepares to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, new documentary evidence of a secret State Department gun-running [Read More]
It’s true, women are abused everywhere, but in most countries it’s against the law. In Islamic states, it is the law. Sharia Watch About 20 years ago I lived in [Read More]
“To me, Democratic Socialism means democracy. It means creating a government that represents all of us, not just the wealthiest people.” Questions: How does socialism represent wealthy people? How does [Read More]
Live5News The victim said that it all started at 6:30 a.m. when she heard a knock and opened her door, but found no one outside and returned to bed. The [Read More]
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is struggling with a $13 million debt load.
BreitbartLondon: PERTH, Australia (AFP) – Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders was Wednesday met by protesters as he helped launch a new political party in Perth, the Australian Liberty Alliance. The Dutch firebrand and [Read More]
WASHINGTON — GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush says he’s looking forward to checking out the new “Supergirl” TV show because the actress playing the lead — Melissa Benoist from “Glee” [Read More]
After 14 years of using the premise of testing myths as an excuse to blow things up, the iconic Discovery Channel series will close shop next year. It’s been canceled. How [Read More]
Kenyetta Wilbourn, former principal of Mumford High School, has begun talking about how she coordinated with vendors to win contracts, overcharge, and then cut her in for a taste. “She [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.