SCIENTISTS SAY IT PRE-DATES MOHAMMED. [Breitbart] Fragments of an early Koran found in a Birmingham library may rewrite Islamic history after carbon dating revealed they could be older than Mohammed.
SCIENTISTS SAY IT PRE-DATES MOHAMMED. [Breitbart] Fragments of an early Koran found in a Birmingham library may rewrite Islamic history after carbon dating revealed they could be older than Mohammed.
“I think as voters and citizens, the test we should apply — Scripture tells us you shall know them by their fruits,” he said. “We need to ask not what [Read More]
AP– …In 2012, the Travis County District Attorney’s Office charged Miles with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he got into a fight at a homeless shelter over a [Read More]
WaTimes: Calls shooting ‘an affront to civilized society’ […] “They put their lives on the line for our safety. Targeting police officers is completely unacceptable — an affront to civilized [Read More]
Alaskans concerned Obama visit a ploy to highlight green legacy. Alaska Gov. Bill Walker said he wants to talk to the president about the state’s “economic climate change,” a reference [Read More]
While Hank Johnson waits for Guam to tip over he had this to say about a neurosurgeon – Headline Politics- Johnson, appearing on The Michael Smerconish Show, was discussing race relations under [Read More]
OddityCentral- In a controversial move, tech companies in China are now hiring young and pretty ‘programming cheerleaders’ to help motivate their male staff. The idea, apparently, is to create a [Read More]
WET News is a satirical look at today’s headlines. We also strive to point out the ridiculousness of ‘Blacks Only’ organizations. What if the races were reversed on a [Read More]
4 fall into manhole, suffocate to death A 55-year-old Emirati, two of his sons and a son-in-law died yesterday morning after falling into a sewage manhole in the courtyard of [Read More]
I received this e-mail earlier today, it’s about a guy who purchases a $100 Olive Garden “all the pasta you can eat for 7 months” pass. Mr Big, I don’t see [Read More]
Judge Jeanine Pirro and Sheriff David Clarke author the perfect response to the cop killing that followed the Black Lives Matters chanting for police to be “fried like bacon.” Watch Sheriff Clarke is not [Read More]
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