How Do You Feel About a Burka?
Helen Mirren has spoken of her irritation at seeing men walking around with their arms “slung round their girlfriend’s shoulders, claiming the act is akin to “ownership”. “It annoys me when [Read More]
Hockenberry Has Had Enough With 9/11 Remembrances
Longtime staple of the leftist media (NPR and ABC), John Hockenberry wrote a commentary last week on why he’s grown weary of the memorial services and the reliving of 9/11. “I’m [Read More]
Miss America of the 80s
The winner for the decade of the 70s was 1975. See contest HERE Update: We erroneously put 77 as the winner. It was 75. (I actually voted for 1975.) Vote [Read More]
Drink up! You’re not pregnant anymore!
HT/ Jason Chisel –
‘Morning Joe’s’ Mika Brzezinski Laughs Down Hillary Clinton’s David Brock
A must watch video! Poor Mika and Joe are so frustrated trying to make this goof face reality. If you can’t take listening to David Brock’s lies and excuses for Hillary, at least [Read More]
Weiner Out After a Firm Package Offer is Followed By Blowback
Jerry Manderin thrusted this story about Weiner towards the in-box. It’s about how arch Anthony Weiner is, so much so that Weiner’s job at the firm has caused a massive [Read More]
I wish death upon Jerry Casale and his Wife
That’s right, death. The Devo bassist had his wedding on 9/11 and the wedding cake, which the baker had no problem creating, was the twin towers with their goofy ugly [Read More]
Land of Lincoln is Sinkin’
Stephen Moore tells the tragic tale of a once great state that overburdened itself with self- serving politicians who have paid off their state employee union vote with other people’s [Read More]
Shirley, You Can’t Be Serious About The Iran Nuke Deal?
Obama and company get the “Airplane” treatment when David Zucker does a send up of the Nuke agreement with Iran. Watch
FrontPageMag: While Western leftists demanding that Europe admit all the Syrian Muslims the UN can dump on them, their first victims will be real refugees. Christian refugees from the Middle [Read More]
Bernie Sanders Shouted Down and Pelted With Glitter Bombs and Pies At Conservative Liberty College
No. That didn’t happen. Conservative students are adults, as opposed to the dirty, filthy idiotic children of the left. The display of dignity afforded to an oppositional political candidate should be [Read More]
Twin Cities’ ISIS problem
Aol- The US Department of Justice on Wednesday announced that a young man from Minneapolis, Minnesota, pleaded guilty to charges related to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or [Read More]
Cheerleading 9/11 tribute is labeled crass
Meanwhile, leftist twits in college can’t tell you what 9/11 was all about. Click image for video or go here for the text story
Ron Paul: Right of Secession ‘Destroyed by Civil War’
TNA- In response to a question posed to him by a viewer of his September 11 “Liberty Report” video podcast, Ron Paul said he supports a state’s authority to secede [Read More]