Minnesota Considers Scrapping Health Insurance Exchange
FreedomWorks– In King v. Burwell, the Court did not just ignore plain meaning of the words “established by the State,” but opened up a whole new can of worms as [Read More]
FreedomWorks– In King v. Burwell, the Court did not just ignore plain meaning of the words “established by the State,” but opened up a whole new can of worms as [Read More]
video here h/t MTank
ColoradoWatchdog.org: Five months before the Animas River toxic spill disaster, leaders from the tiny Colorado mining town of Silverton pleaded with EPA officials to not perform tests that would declare [Read More]
DaleyGator- How long until the Dixie Crystals Sugar Company changes its name? Social Justice Warriors will not be satisfied so long as any remnant of the South as a cultural [Read More]
Daily Mail Tech company which maintained Hillary’s secret server was sued for ‘illegally accessing’ database and ‘stealing White House military advisers’ phone numbers’ Platte River Networks was used by Clinton [Read More]
RedAlert- Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) has been floating to the near top of the polls in the first presidential primary state of New Hampshire thanks to a massive ad [Read More]
My Metties are currently the best team in baseball. Let me brag and gloat a bit. Mets fans don’t get to do that that often. Their record isn’t the best [Read More]
LibertyUnyielding– One chapter is titled “The Email That Can Land You In Jail,” which could turn out to a pithy omen. Within that chapter is a section titled “How to Delete Something [Read More]
from The BULLPEN by Struan Did you know that the Republican Party is only at half strength?
Let that sink in for a minute. The United States government owes almost 1/3rd of all debt on the planet.
Video “I’ve done things… that elevate people, not things that depress people and make them dependent.” Carson also quotes the left’s favorite modern politician, Lyndon B. Johnson, and his infamous [Read More]
NR- Two Republican senators are asking the Obama administration how many of the people arrested in the United States on terrorism-related charges entered the country legally or illegally.
Retired SSG Army Special Operations combat veteran, Brian Mast is running for Florida’s 18th congressional district.
Vice President Joe Biden is hearing from friends and political allies that he should get in the race for the Democratic nomination for president.
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