San Francisco Raised Their Minimum Wage by 14 %
Fast food restaurants, especially Chipotle, have begun to raise prices.
Fast food restaurants, especially Chipotle, have begun to raise prices.
AmericanThinker– What an interesting time to spring a thing like this on us — with the problems of Greece and the concern it’s causing the rest of the world — [Read More]
Reader Joe was the one who lodged the complaint. Click more to see what Facebook is cool with. Joe says he’s dropping Facebook. Keep in mind, Facebook routinely puts accounts [Read More]
SteynOnline– Last week, I swung by the Bill Bennett show to chew over the news of the hour. A few minutes before my grand entrance, one of Bill’s listeners had [Read More]
RollCall– Rep. Alan Grayson, a liberal firebrand whose outspokenness irks members of his own party, will announce a bid for Florida’s open Senate seat Thursday morning on a Florida TV station, according to a [Read More]
TheLid– When a politician gets caught in a lie, its gotta hurt. Yesterday in her first big interview since she announced she was running, Hillary Clinton told a big lie. [Read More]
The feds finally figured out that their flowing spigot of student loans and aid are causing a rise in college tuition costs. This is what we mean about the left being [Read More]
Obama has just signed a new law that gives HUD the power over local zoning boards so that section 8 housing can be forced into white upscale neighborhoods. Obama’s theory is [Read More]
The city of Racine, WI has decided to cancel the August 8th, “Slide the City” event where for $15 a slide or $45 all day pass ($37 for a family [Read More]
Bizpac- The woman who launched an online campaign of bullying and veiled threats against Internet sensation CJ Pearson, frightening the young conservative’s family enough to drive the boy briefly out [Read More]
The Museum of Fine Arts Boston thought it would be a nice “interactive experience” for its patrons to dress in Kimonos and pose in front of Claude Monet’s “La Japonaise.” [Read More]
AmericanThinker- Over the past century there have been two common traits found in all nations that have adopted socialist governing principals. The first is the creation of a privileged [Read More]
To match the exaggerations, misstatements and outright lies from the CNN Hillary interview yesterday, Andrew Malcolm at Investor’s Business Daily offers up a more realistic example. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.