Iceland: Nigerian Asylum Seeker arrested for spreading HIV
Vdare– For this report of an African asylum seeker infecting women in Iceland with HIV, the English Language Iceland Monitoruses the the traditional “Man Arrested” style, but says the accused [Read More]
Unfortunately, Barack “My Brother’s Keeper” Obama’s brother George, who lives in a shack in Nairobi on $2 a month, was not on the guest list. [More @ ClashDaily]
Guy Confronts Lifeguard Sleeping on the Job
ht/ rob e.
Boehner’s Ten Worst Moments as Speaker
I’m sure our readers can point out more. Freedomworks- UPDATE – July 28, 2015 – In the last six months, John Boehner has added substantially to his list of sins. [Read More]
UPDATE! Left-Wing Cartoonist Fired
FOR LYING ABOUT LAPD UPDATE: He’s the Brian Williams of the cartoon world! Listen to the audio [You’ll see how much a fibber he is], and check out the comments [Read More]
Things My Mom Sends Me: I Am An American
My Mom has been doing some spring into summer cleaning and came across a box of my Dad’s stuff from childhood. There were grade cards, school books, his original birth [Read More]
100 Days 100 Nights Contest
Two Los Angeles gangs have reportedly started a contest to be the first to kill 100 people in 100 days. The area between Western and Normandie Avenues has been designated [Read More]
UNC student, 20, ‘who bought alcohol with fake ID’ kills three
This jerk is facing 50 years in jail. But I have a better idea. Release him into Mexico. That should be an option we give Americans convicted of lowlife activities. [Read More]
Kinda Looks Like This Cop Shoots This Guy in the Head When He Goes To Start Up His Car
Are cops allowed to do that these days? Just want to get the rules straight.
Hillary Shuts Down Swanky Salon To Get $600 Hairdo
I wonder if that $600 includes plucking those stray curly white hairs from her chinny-chin-chin? [Blur-Brain]
Happy Birthday, Diogenes!
On this day many years ago in a land far far away…….a young Lydia Marie gave birth to what her own Mother was heard to say was the most beautiful [Read More]
Michael Bay’s 13 Hours
The tag line for the upcoming Benghazi movie – “When everything went wrong, six men had the courage to do what was right.” Take a look at the Trailer I don’t [Read More]
Cincinnati man shoots at 1-year-old boy
Concealed carrier shoots back. FOX– A 62-year-old man with a gun in each hand fired at four people – including a 1-year-old boy – before a civilian with a concealed [Read More]