This happened
Propeller crashed through roof of house after falling off plane
Propeller crashed through roof of house after falling off plane
ht/ Kathy Schaidle
A recent poll of Muslims in the United States indicate some disturbing indications that the “melting pot” isn’t making much of a dent on their culture.
Powerline In the wake of the latest mass shooting, carried out by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, an engineer like so many Islamic terrorists, we are seeing the usual scramble to avoid [Read More]
h/t MerryPoppet.
UPDATE: Women file complaints against RI breast milk jeweler. WPRO630– A spokeswoman for the Attorney General’s office said two formal complaints have been filed, both by mothers who live outside [Read More]
In recognition of the end of Ramadan, one of the great Icons of NYC, the Empire State Building, was lit up in Green.
I haven’t done one of these in awhile. I know one reader that really enjoys these. This is for her. She know who she is. Across 1. Fluke 4. Many [Read More] THE ISRAELI prime minister recently got a blast from the past courtesy of a few former classmates from Cheltenham High School.
Keep this article in mind whenever some Hollywood doofus tries to lecture you about something. TruthRevolt- was privileged to attend a private screening of the riveting, eye-opening documentary “An Open Secret” on [Read More]
WND- In 2014, Chatwal pleaded guilty in a Brooklyn federal district court to arranging multiple straw donors in a lavish scheme to give tens of thousands of dollars into Hillary [Read More]
NevadaAppeal– A Carson City [Nevada] man tried to evade deputies Friday by fleeing on a scooter. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.