Walmart relents after banning greeter from saying ‘Have a blessed day’
NTDWA— Walmart greeter, James Phillips, can once again tell customers to “Have a blessed day.” Philips has been greeting customers that way for years at the Walmart in Blue Ridge, [Read More]
H.Res. 41: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Federal …
… Government should not bail out State and local government employee pension plans or other plans that provide post-employment benefits to State and local government retirees. Introduced: Jan 21, 2015 [Read More]
It’s this…
Three marathon runners from the first modern olympic games held in 1896 in Athens, Greece.
What’s This a Picture Of?
If you know, simply say “I know.” We want guesses in the comments. See the answer HERE
Blame The Dog
A man is going to pick a girl up for a date, but before he goes his mom offers him his favorite baked beans. He couldn’t resist and ended up [Read More]
Vatican investigates 2 cases of child porn possession
I had some sort of an Emily Litella moment a few seconds ago as I read the title of this story posted at Jamaican Observer. I wondered how the Vatican was going to [Read More]
#Pinkiegate is old news
A new pic of Obama drinking his beer like an effete’ is causing rumblings on Twitter. But there’s nothing new about the Obama pinky.
Super Bowl Open Thread
—-Sounds like the Star-Spangled Banner is going to be a half-hour long. —– Carnival Cruise runs a Super Bowl commercial with a JFK voiceover from a speech he made where [Read More]
What the Hell Did I Just Watch???
From the start I have to warn that this is NSFW. It’s a National Geographic type clip with an old Hindu looking dude doing something very squeam-inducing to his “deek.” [Read More]
Bibi Appears in Different Kind of Campaign Ad Than We’re Used To
See it at the Noisy Room (thanks to mindful webworker) ht/ C. Steven Tucker
All About That Race
Dan Joseph