Student Loan Bubble
How did we go from $98.5 billion in student loan balances to $708 billion in just seven short years? More
How did we go from $98.5 billion in student loan balances to $708 billion in just seven short years? More
Alice Cooper is asked about his Christian faith and provides a very down to earth common sense reply. Video
Published on Jan 1, 2015 Fox News’ Kimberly Guilfoyle and Bob Beckel Awkwardly Kiss at Midnight: Anyone who’s watched The Five knows about the long, strange history of co-hosts Kimberly [Read More]
Funny Police harassment story Got this from my wife who is a previous Security Forces officer, dont know if it has been posted before but its a good laugh. September 20, [Read More]
People are getting a kick out of how orgasmic and excitable this Nork Newswoman is as she narrates Kim Jong Un “flying” a plane. People are saying they wish they [Read More]
by Ensign Pulver I’d always suspected that Snopes was Leftist but I confirmed it for myself in person. Remember when Prez Ebola stole the first election in 2008? There was [Read More]
DC Beacon—“We are going to be raising a wussified generation of lawyers,” Banzhaf said. “Students are saying, ‘I don’t want to hear anything that disturbs me.’ How are these lawyers [Read More]
John Mayer, who has been involved with various projects that have “raised the awareness of the crisis of Global Warming,” obviously is a fullofsh!tnik. Look at his custom RV – Underneath is [Read More]
If Obama has a red line when it comes to releasing terrorists, we haven’t seen it yet. h/t Snowball the Sourpuss
That’s all I’m going to say. I lived in NY under this loon’s reign. HT/ JC Lady
Can we please take the gloves off? And by we, I mean right-wing online media. Nothing pains me more than to see a site like Powerlineblog, which I think is wonderful, do [Read More]
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Originally budgeted in 2008 at $568 million, the VA hospital for the Denver area is now expected to be completed in 2017 and most likely cost north of $1 billion. [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.