Rams Player With “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Gesture Has Lengthy Arrest Record
Kenny Britt is all too familiar with putting his hands up after numerous run-ins with the law during his days with the Tennessee Titans. Story at JWF.
Kenny Britt is all too familiar with putting his hands up after numerous run-ins with the law during his days with the Tennessee Titans. Story at JWF.
Ozzy Osbourne ht/ chris cassone
From Canada Free Press: A new survey by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) and the Association for Canadian Studies entitled the “Report on Canadian Values” is making its rounds [Read More]
Is it racist of whites to hope that America produces nicer black people? ROCK: Here’s the thing. When we talk about race relations in America or racial progress, it’s all [Read More]
Independent Sentinel reports: President Obama knows that Ferguson is not a good example of police brutality but he is growing impatient and he will not let a good “crisis” go [Read More]
There are pleasure centers in the brain that light up when people experience a moment that makes them feel superior to others. One of the ways to get that high, [Read More]
Khamenei was not going to be a pen pal, but he neverthelessresponded to Obama making clear his disdain for both Obama and the United States.– – more at Commentary.
Story at Pamela Geller
As sure as the streets of Ferguson, MO were turned into a disaster area by looters, ugly and stupid political cartoons were generated on the left to make themselves feel justified [Read More]
According to the Washington Post, writer Sabrina Erderly set her sites on writing a story about college rape. One wonders now if coming up snake eyes on any sensational stories [Read More]
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: An Arab and an illegal alien go to Chicago to bomb the Sears Tower and Oprah Winfrey’s studio…
Kevin Williamson calls out the nation’s glitterati for their double standard when calling for boycotts of Wal-Mart while they revel in their own excessive riches. Conspicuous Hypocrisy
This Trooper’s Found A Way To Make The Best Of A Bad Situation [click image for video]
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