(I had no idea) A bunny jumping competition!
Cute Bunny Jumping Competition
Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor is a RACIST!
Obama ‘Has Been A Drag’ On My Campaign Mark Pryor confession here
Another Beheading in Oklahoma
TPNN— Jacob Crockett was 19-years old, but will never see another birthday. He was gruesomely beheaded by a 21-year old acquaintance, Isaiah Marin in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Police are currently saying [Read More]
NYT: More than 100 newsroom jobs will be slashed
Big Journalism New York Times Slashes 7.5% of Staff; Digital Platforms Fail After weeks of rumors, The New York Times announced Wednesday that more than 100 newsroom jobs will be [Read More]
‘Forensic Files’ Reruns Beat Mitchell, Reid, Farrow, Scarborough
Big Journalism The long-running true crime reality show Forensic Files is one of my all-time favorite television shows. But that doesn’t mean I would expect its reruns (the show ended [Read More]
First Hatey’s lunch rules add $1.22 BILLION in new costs
EAG News WASHINGTON, D.C. – The School Nutrition Association is claiming the new school lunch and snack regulations are causing administrative costs to explode and wants Congress to take action. [Read More]
Breaking: Plane Held in Quarantine at Newark Airport
Passenger got sick on a plane from Belgium. Awaiting CDC. Details here
Piers Morgan on Obama: ‘Shameless, Reprehensible Buck-Passing’
Big Journalism Former CNN host Piers Morgan’s inaugural editorial for the Daily Mail Online rails hard against U.S. President Obama this week committed professional suicide. … He managed to single-handedly [Read More]
Check Out CAIR’s ‘Rally’ Against ISIS
Answering Muslims The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has posted a video of their rally against ISIS. As far as I can tell from the video, somewhere between eight and [Read More]
No Force on Earth
ATRS Say, remember when the Federal Government derived its power from the consent of the governed? Quaint, that. Not anymore my friends. Now, the Federal Government derives its powers from [Read More]
Liam “Gun Control” Neeson
They want the paycheck but none of the accountability for the movies they make that glamorize gun violence. ht/ just the tip
Hayek on Intellectuals and Socialism
Via Cafe Hayek –
Illinois school district declines to collect data on infants for Obama-linked institute
EAG News RIVER FOREST, Ill. – The River Forest School District 90 has declined to participate in a controversial data collection program involving infants. The Sun Times reports: The River [Read More]
Presidents Unwilling To Protect American Citizens Must Be Removed – It’s in their Oath. It’s Constitutionally Consistent.
Twitchy- During the 2013 fiscal year, statistics from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website show Border Patrol agents apprehended 112 immigrants from Guinea, 231 from Liberia and 145 immigrants [Read More]