Paging Moron Kevin Bacon… Moron Kevin Bacon… Pick Up the You’re a F***in’ Idiot Phone – IOTW Report

Paging Moron Kevin Bacon… Moron Kevin Bacon… Pick Up the You’re a F***in’ Idiot Phone

21 Comments on Paging Moron Kevin Bacon… Moron Kevin Bacon… Pick Up the You’re a F***in’ Idiot Phone

  1. Long ago high school guy (brother of someone I lost contact with ages ago, but there’s that magic algorithm…) pops up on my “you might know” on FB.

    I lurk and read. Hes’s a bail bondsman. His feed is loaded with guns, beer and money.

    His son is a popular drag queen in Columbus.

    Okay, then. 😳🤪
    Didn’t expect to see that combo.

  2. What a commie douchebag. Kevin Seared Strips of Pork and his aging badly, bone hag wife dancing for the molesting of our children by sick, twisted pedophiles. Prime examples of the Hollyweird Scumbags who profess to be shining examples of loving, caring people who make a living reciting lines written by others in front of camera and are a cancer on our Republic.

  3. Queers of all stripes are very tiring. Look up ‘counter culture personality. All queers fit the definition to a greater or lesser degree. They are good for nothing but destruction in our culture. Even subcultures they build for themselves.

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