Paglia slams Hillary: ‘The woman is a disaster!’ – IOTW Report

Paglia slams Hillary: ‘The woman is a disaster!’

“It is an outrage how she’s played the gender card. She is a woman without accomplishment”

AM: Renowned academic feminist Camille Paglia dismisses the notion that electing Hillary Clinton as the first woman President of the United States would be a good thing for women.

Clinton, Paglia argues, is “a disaster!”

“It is an outrage how she’s played the gender card. She is a woman without accomplishment,” Paglia, a fixture at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, told The Spectator. “’I sponsored or co-sponsored 400 bills.’ Oh really? These were bills to rename bridges and so forth. And the things she has accomplished have been like the destabilization of North Africa, causing refugees to flood into Italy … The woman is a disaster!”

Paglia explained that she once supported the Clintons, but changed her tune after President Bill Clinton was busted in his sexual escapades with Monica Lewinsky and witnessing the Clinton clan attack her for speaking out.

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