Did Muslims not take sex ed in Jr. High?
The quran actually has a passage that suggests that killing daughters just because they are girls is not a good idea: “And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked for what sin she was slain…” (81:8-9) However, this kind of incident arises from the Islamic culture of misogyny, reinforced by numerous quranic passages such as the one sanctioning the beating of disobedient women (4:34), devaluing a woman’s testimony (2:282), allowing polygamy and sex slavery (4:3), and more. Yet to discuss all this and protest against it would be “islamophobia.”
“Woman murdered for bearing six daughters,” from AFP, January 3, 2014 more
And those cretins got the A-bomb from us.
It’s like Ann B. wrote (and I’m paraphrasing): Generations of inbreeding produces mental defectives.
Just call him Henriq the Eighth.
Strike first!
Just wait until N.O.W. hears about this!
I have four daughters and they are all a blessing from God. Stupid muzzies.
A son is a son ’til he takes a wife,
A daughter’s a daughter for all of her life.
As long as I live I’ll never have to worry about a meal, a bed or a warm place to park my ass. Or a haircut (one is a stylist) 🙂
They could always adopt from America’s ghettoes.
It’s amazing those savage barbarians even know what their dicks are for, other than poking goats.
“Did Muslims not take sex ed in Jr. High?”
They did but they dropped the class as soon as they found out goats weren’t involved.
Christians want to home school and everybody goes crazy……
Did Muslims not take sex ed in Jr. High?
They didn’t make it to Jr. High, and any sex ed was mostly about constructing a sturdy pile of rocks in order to achieve camel-height.
Muslims took sex ed in the 5th century
I hope this jackass happens upon Malala Yousafazi in some dark alley. He’d be toast.
Lemme guess … he didn’t smoke a cigar in the cabbage patch at midnight of a full moon prior to boinking his bitch?
Whatta maroon!
Can’t teach them fellahs nuthin!