Pamela Anderson urges people to stay away from porn – IOTW Report

Pamela Anderson urges people to stay away from porn

FOX: Former Playmate Pamela Anderson is urging people to give up pornography once and for all in a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week. She argues with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach that porn has a “corrosive effect on a man’s soul and on his ability to function as husband, and, by extension, as father. This is a public hazard of unprecedented seriousness given how freely available, anonymously accessible and easily disseminated pornography is nowadays.”

pamela anderson

Anderson labels porn as something for “losers.”

“Simply put, we must educate ourselves and our children to understand that porn is for losers— a boring, wasteful and dead-end outlet for people too lazy to reap the ample rewards of healthy sexuality,” the duo wrote.  MORE

15 Comments on Pamela Anderson urges people to stay away from porn

  1. There’s a big post about this over at Ace of Spades.
    I still drop by AoS every few days to check whether he has stopped bashing Trump.

    And he has this long thing about The Dangers Of Porn.
    And a long self-therapy session about his personal masturbatory details.
    Way TMI.

    Since Trump became the nominee, AoS seems lost and adrift. Recipes, diet tips, daily weight loss updates, corporate superhero movie reviews.
    It’s become like a male Mommy Blog.

    Anyway, Pamela Anderson says she has now made all the money she needs from being a sex object.
    And her fans should all stop before we need glasses.

  2. Whoa…tough crowd here. She’s a skank for doing porn shoots, and then she’s a hypocrite for saying porn is bad. There’s just no forgiveness for redemption in some people.

  3. Yeah boys. Log off and go explore that ‘healthy sexuality’ with your 240 pound wives. Stop being a ‘loser’ (male, iow) and go ‘function’ for your fat, bitchy wife. Don’t be ‘lazy’ now.

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