Paraguay’s conservatives score big election win – IOTW Report

Paraguay’s conservatives score big election win

CNBC: Paraguay’s ruling candidate Santiago Pena, 44, scored a big win in the country’s presidential election on Sunday, tightening the conservative Colorado Party’s political grip in the country and defusing fears about the end of diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

Pena, who has pledged to maintain Paraguay’s long-standing Taiwan relations, had 42.7% of the vote with over 99% of ballots counted, a more than 15-point lead over center-left rival Efrain Alegre, who has argued for switching allegiance to China.

“Thank you for this Colorado victory, thank you for this Paraguayan victory,” Pena said in a speech. Alegre acknowledged the result. Current President Mario Abdo congratulated Pena as “president-elect,” as did the leaders of Brazil and Argentina.

Colorado and right-wing party candidates also performed strongly in congressional elections and governor races, with some provinces recording a historic Colorado majority over opposition rivals. MORE

6 Comments on Paraguay’s conservatives score big election win

  1. Pretty sure Fox will fall back on their old reliables . . .
    Tits and Ass

    Bubble Head Bleach Blonds
    With Botulism Toxins
    And Frozen Faced Frown Clowns
    With Big Pointy Shoes

    This is not made up
    It’s Make-Up

    Wake UP

  2. Fox News should bring back Bill O’Reilly
    And John Kashich
    They had such Good Times on TV back in the day

    Playing Britney Spears clips over and over and over again
    In slow motion even
    Eleven loops of each angle

    Howling their displeasure
    Over-riding the censors
    Watching every frame
    Licking their lips with disdain


    They have been PROMOTING everything They claim to be against
    You have been bewitched
    Think back to when you did actually watch Fox News
    Everything, and I mean everything, that they claimed to be against and ran anti-against pieces all day and all night long on endless loops ends up being exactly the oppostie of what ever happened in those times. It’s a difficult concept to grasp and the stupid version is, of course, New York based Seinfeld and opposite George.

    Sean Hannity is Opposite George. If you want to ensure that any middle of the road gets turned off to your cause, make them watch a Sean Hannity Drama Queen segment. See what I am saying? You are being played for fools by Fox News behind the scenes producers and directors like Karl Rove and Paul Ryan and the ilk.

    Just Say No to Fox News and Anheuser-Bushes too

  3. Although this may appear to be a minor event, it may turn out to have larger significance. The Epoch Times has an in-depth article about it (URL below) but it’s tagged “Premium” so you have to be a subscriber to read it.

    Another interesting look at Paraguay’s election results and implications is at the National File (URL below). “Paraguay has triumphed! Jesus has triumphed!”

    Major points are that is a poke in the eye for both Xi Jinping and Klaus Schwab, and anything that can piss off both of those guys is gratifying.


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