Paris Terrorist Attack Live Updates, November 13, 2015 – IOTW Report

Paris Terrorist Attack Live Updates, November 13, 2015

Live updates on the Paris attack:

9:23 EST: I’m ending my live updates tonight. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Paris.

9:13 EST:

9:12 EST:

8:58 EST: Sarkozy says “the terrorists have declared war on France.”

8:55 EST: FBI says no credible threat to US.

8:53 EST:

8:50 EST: Hollande: “Terrorists capable of carrying out such atrocities must know that they will face a France that is determined and united.”

8:48 EST: Black Lives Matters supporters upset at the Paris attacks, but not because of the reason you think.

8:43 EST: Police around Notre Dame:
Notre Dame

8:42 EST: 4 policemen were killed at the theater.

8:32 EST:

8:26 EST:

8:23 EST:

8:17 EST: Theater attacks happened near the end of the concert.

8:13 EST: CNN says gunmen are still at large.

8:11 EST: What an asshole:

8:09 EST:

8:07 EST: Official death toll rises to 158.

8:05 EST:

8:01 EST: 1 terrorist in concert killed by police, other 2 blew themselves up.

7:59 EST: Imbeciles blame Bush for attacks:

7:57 EST: New reports indicate death toll might be above 150.

7:56 EST:

7:55 EST: Four assailants dead. At least three at concert hall.

7:51 EST: Another angle of the attack:

7:48 EST: A picture from the New York Times from outside a restaurant :
Restaurant shooting

7:47 EST: Hollande reportedly arrives at scene of one of the attacks.

7:46 EST: Reuters confirms at least 140 dead.

7:45 EST: 1,500 troops deployed in Paris. Belgium also did not close its borders; that was a rumor spread by people on Twitter.

7:44 EST: At least 40 dead around Paris who were not in theater.

7:43 EST: “Orsan Plan” deployed in France.

7:39 EST: Terrorists threw grenades onto subdued hostages in theater.

7:37 EST: Polish reporter says camp in Calias on fire:

7:34 EST:

7:33 EST: 140 killed total.

7:32 EST: Belgium has closed its borders.

7:30 EST:

7:29 EST: President Hollande speaking live. Says he’s closed the borders.

7:27 EST: French shopping center confirmed as location of separate attack.

7:24 EST: Obama says the terrorists will be “brought to justice.”

7:21 EST:

7:18 EST:

7:16 EST: Terrorist who was captured alive said he was “from ISIS.”

7:13 EST: Witnesses say terrorists screamed, “This is for Syria!” and “Allahu Akbar!”

7:10 EST: A map of the attacks:

7:05 EST: Multiple suicide bombers and gunmen behind attacks.

37 Comments on Paris Terrorist Attack Live Updates, November 13, 2015

  1. This is how gun free zones are supposed to work.
    That is why they are being instituted here.
    Jesus made very few requirements of us, one of them was that we are to go about armed.
    This is why, and if something like this happens around you and you are unarmed you have become an accessory to evil.
    The time of decision is upon us.
    Will you be an armed Christian, or an unarmed Muslim?

  2. Progtard on CNN gives liberal spin – these attacks will be hard to prevent here because of the ready availability of weapons.

    If Parisians had been armed, hundreds wouldn’t have died. All the guns used in Paris by the Muslim terrorists were illegal.

  3. I clicked through the prog-news channels a little while ago, none of them mentioned islam. That’s the big problem, can’t even name the enemy, and that makes it impossible to defeat the enemy.

    Take up fucking arms and hunt them down!

  4. Fuck them and fuck us. Any nation lets people from this region of the world into their country gets exactly what they deserve.


    I have no patience nor sympathy for any of this shit. Because IT IS NOT UNEXPECTED.

    The whole fucking world knows what these people bring with them and it ain’t exactly cookies.

    Shame on all of us for not locking down these animals in their own pen. They purport themselves to be nations. Fine. Sort that shit out internally and get back to the rest of the world after you’re done.

    You want to see your children die? You want to see western civilization crushed? Too easy, let the diaspora of the middle ages as demonstrated by these throwbacks continue.

  5. Stand the fuck by. This is going to ignite the far right all over Europe like nothing has yet, and there has been plenty going on to get the populace stirred up to a near frenzy already. I heard reports earlier about a Syrian “refugee camp” outside Paris that was being attacked with firebombs.

    I think on the verge of a real bloodbath all over Europe as the retaliation begins, and there will be retaliatory attacks on muzzies where ever they congregate. This is going to get really ugly, really quick, and a lot more people are going to get killed before its over.

    Where is James Taylor when you need him?? I wonder if Kerry has called him yet…

  6. Agreed, and France was our first ally. I am sorry for the victims and their families, however none for their government and those who have accommodated this.

    So how’s that open border and firearms restrictions work’n for you frogs?

    Once had an old man tell me, “First time the mean dog bites you, it’s the dog’s fault. Second time, it’s your fault because you already knew the dog.”

    Coming to U.S. cities near you with the libs and BLM joining in and all at the tyrant’s (in the oval office’s) support.

  7. These Muslim bastards want to force the hand of God.
    They think they can trigger Armageddon with war.
    We should give them the war they’re after
    Make me President for one year. Then put me in whatever prison you want for the rest of my life. Because I will wipe these ISIS Bastards off the face of the Earth. Every last one. It will not be pretty, and I intend to nullify their martyrdom.
    I will have ALL of their bodies ground up and fed to pigs, so their God cannot find them. This will all be filmed and broadcast so the other fucks that might get any ideas, know what waits for them.
    Then We will take their land and we will use it as a containment area for the millions of Muslims that will soon be booted out of Europe.

  8. Not that I’m accusing her for you know, the shootings or anything, you know, but has anyone heard from our shtrong, you know, first you know, lady, michelle 0bama? Because, you know, She was last seen in Qatar and, you know, I worry.

    I wonder if Barry cares.

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