Paul Ryan Not Seeking Re-election – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Not Seeking Re-election

It looks like we were on the right track, and the rumors were true, when we posted this on March 26th.

After nearly 20 years in the House of Representatives and rising to the Speakership, Paul Ryan (R-WI) has announced that he is not seeking re-election. He’s going to spend more time with his family – More

41 Comments on Paul Ryan Not Seeking Re-election

  1. Ryan has acted compromised for a very long time. I suspect they have the dirt on him, or perhaps found the secret bank accounts. This swamp creature will not be missed.

  2. now we have to get rid of the old closet homosexual Mconnell and the Drag Queen child raping homo Linda Grahm. Grahm never once disputed the claims from Chelsea Handler to Grahm that he was a closet homo child pedo and he should just come out. He was silent, he didnt want to go down that road for obvious reasons. Its time to go after that homo pedo once and for all and get South Carolina woked against him.

  3. Someone pointed out on Twitter that most of the bad laws we are now getting are because of McConnell and the Senate. It is true that with cloture getting anything through the Senate is far more challenging. Don’t know how much good it will do to replace Ryan. Not that I am a fan – he is still a big-government RINO.

  4. Honestly, I think there are a huge number of Republicans who would not only be delighted to lose majorities in both House and Senate, but are likely actively working behind the scenes to produce that outcome. They despise President Trump and want him out or hamstrung. Spit!

  5. When POTUS Trump addressed the Alabama football winners at at the WH yesterday, he remarked on how the coach’s “Process” strategy (continual focus on perfectly executing the called play), he said, “I understand it works so well that it has caused your opponents to just give up! They just give up! (Pause for laughter) Well, we’re doing that a lot, too.” (More laughter).

    (He said that with an impish grin.)

  6. Hopefully we’ll be able to fix illegal entry into the nation. Ben Shapiro thinks there is going to be a blue wave in November that will take both the house and senate, giving us a speaker Pelosi and a senate majority leader Schumer.

    We’re a long ways from make our way out of those woods.

  7. I think one of three situations is happening here.
    1. He has done something illegal/unethical that we have yet to find out about.
    2. He is going to challenge Trump for the Presidency.
    3. His polls suck.

    Either way I’m happy to see this creepy little crap weasel pack up his lightbulbs and go.

  8. Winning! So much winning! Any thought that this was voluntary would be silly. So compromised he had to go. Retirement beats what is in store for some of the Dem side.

  9. History will little note, nor long remember the so-called β€˜service’ of Paul Ryan. Spend more time with his family, my ass!

    Study him well, RINOs – your future will be the same.

  10. Not taking credit. But shit I all twice a week the office of Paul Ryan and tell him that he was a disgusting speaker of the House, and need to resign and tha if he runs for re-election I will be in the radio everyday making sure that is ass isn’t re-election. Today at work I πŸ‘‚ the news I run to the bathroom and call is office wish is his voicemail and told him I’m going home after work and have me a drink God is good. Go get a man job.


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