Paul Ryan on Trump Ad Attacking Dems: ‘I Don’t Know If That’s Necessarily Productive’ – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan on Trump Ad Attacking Dems: ‘I Don’t Know If That’s Necessarily Productive’

Breitbart; Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) questioned President Donald Trump’s new campaign ad saying  Democrats “will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants” if they continued the shutdown.

Ryan said, “They are certainly not helping us keep the government open. They are certainly not helping us get to a solution on immigration. When you shut down the government you stop negotiating on immigration reform. They’re complicity with not getting things done.”

He added, “I’m not going to comment. I just saw that. I don’t know if that’s necessarily productive. It’s no secret the president has strong views on immigration, but what is not productive is a pointless government shutdown that the Senate Democrats have foisted on this country.”  Watch here

28 Comments on Paul Ryan on Trump Ad Attacking Dems: ‘I Don’t Know If That’s Necessarily Productive’

  1. What did you expect him to say?
    Ryan, he’s not a fighter. He’s a tool of the establishment.

    McCONnell and Ryan the voice of reason for the establishment swamp. Rolling over and conceding is all they know.
    They can fund Planned Parenthood, Palestinians, terrorism, illegal immigrants, big wasteful government and obamacare with a blink of an eye.

    BUT they can’t figure out how to pay and support our military, protect our national borders or pass meaningful legislation.

    Whiners who can’t lead.

  2. It’s a shame nobody up there will step up for the good of the nation and take Ryan’s place as speaker. He’s a backstabbing little apple polisher and sickens me.

  3. Yeah, the facts are never “productive” for RINOs, Traitors, Cowards, and other greedy shitbags.
    “Isn’t it about *time*?”

    Shouldn’t someone in gov’t speak openly about the very real threat of the illegal-alien invading rat-people? Not just economically, by medically, psychologically, civilly, how it affects our waning “respect” for law, and the growing cynicism vis-a-vis our politicians in general?

    Who do you “represent” Mr. Speaker?

    The fucking rat-people, the Demonrats, the guys shoving money into your bank accounts, or the poor schlubs who elected you?
    Pick one, and stick with it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. And this is why the Republicans always sucked at controlling the narrative. Because they don’t even try.

    Fortunately, enough Republicans are following President Trump’s lead and staying on message that this shutdown is the Democrats putting illegal aliens ahead of the American people.

    We’re lucky Paul Ryan isn’t the one in charge of messaging.

  5. 🔵 You can COUNT ON every democrat to be armed and in formation for the fight, no matter how large or how petty it is.

    🔴 But Republicans are squishy. All it takes is a microphone in their face, and they’ll fold.

  6. Hey Ryan, here’s a clue. Dropping your drawers and bending over for dems is not a acceptable strategy, despite what McConnell tells you. It’s better to piss em off and let them jammer into a microphone and make fools out of themselves. Fairly entertaining also.

  7. I’ve been trying to come up with a shorthand word for someone in the congress who is there for self-enrichment or who discovered the secret to self-enrichment and decided to sell out to those forces. I’m almost certain that Ryan is on the take. I just reread an article about the increase in professional lobbying dollars — it was a comparison between 2002 and 2015/16. It was exponential and as of that later date amounts to about $6.3 MM per lawmaker. This is why we see public officials living lives of millionaires despite the reality of their annual congressional salaries.

    Ryan is 20+ years on in the congress. He knows how to make it pay.

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