Peesful Muslim – IOTW Report

Peesful Muslim

22 Comments on Peesful Muslim

  1. Last night I was on my way home and at a stop sign this guys twin crossed in front of through the cross walk. This skinny ass MoFo is looking at me giving me the stink eye and walking a slowly as possible if front of my truck. I watched him slow down as he made his way in front of my truck. So I rolled down the window and told him to get his boney ass out of the intersection before he became a hood ornament which resulted in a full stop and a string of phrases in a tongue I don’t understand. I cracked my door open like I as getting out and he ran like a little bitch.
    Why do they come here if they hate our culture. There can only be one reason.

  2. All people are created equal. And then some choose to be like this, and become less equal and less deserving, and less in most civilized respects. The only thing they get more of, is a lack of respect as human beings, and men, in my eye.

  3. If it was the other way around and a Jew or Christian took bacon to a mosque, urinated and flipped off a camera they’d be facing a hate crime. We’d hear alll about islamophobia on the rise.

  4. Anonymous, I was just about to say the same:
    just placing bacon – forget peeing – on the door of a mosque is publicly and widely denounced as a hate crime.

  5. Move ’em on, head ’em up
    Head ’em up, move ’em on
    Move ’em on, head ’em up, rawhide
    Cut ’em out, ride ’em in
    Ride ’em in, cut ’em out
    Cut ’em out, ride ’em in, rawhide

    …though their disapprovin’, keep them doggies movin’…out of the country.

  6. @Corona: GREAT idea! One little ‘allahu’ out of his piehole and BLAMMO!–an even BIGLIER piehole!

    @AA: Calling them ‘doggies’ is perfect(!!!), but…as PDJT has stated, the best to do is:


    (If only the Earth was FLAT, that would be sooo much easier, wouldn’t it?)

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