Pelosi Completely Miscalculated On 8-Hour Speech – IOTW Report

Pelosi Completely Miscalculated On 8-Hour Speech


14 Comments on Pelosi Completely Miscalculated On 8-Hour Speech

  1. 8 hours worth is all the crap that you can fit in a Depends before it explodes and takes out the first row. Fortunately for her, CNN/MSNBC/etc can handle a heck of a lot more bullcrap than that.

  2. MJA, You had this image earlier this week, but I forgot to look for your initials. I usually look for it because you put it in such fun places. I found this one (it took a minute to find it) but I’m not going to tell in case other readers like to look for it, too.

  3. Nanny pelosi need to move to Mexico. She loves the criminals illegal aliens so much,plus her grandson want the same color have is best friends. Go please move to Mexico with the rest of your criminal family.

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