Pelosi Disses Joe – Takes Credit For Biden’s Ousting – Dumped Him Because Trump Was Winning – IOTW Report

Pelosi Disses Joe – Takes Credit For Biden’s Ousting – Dumped Him Because Trump Was Winning

ht/ woody

If that stalk of broccoli was polling better than Trump, he would be their guy.

13 Comments on Pelosi Disses Joe – Takes Credit For Biden’s Ousting – Dumped Him Because Trump Was Winning

  1. The Dems didn’t dump Old Joe because he is unable to perform the duties of the office, but because they thought he couldn’t win. They would have been more than happy to reinstall the old fool if they thought they could get away with it.

  2. “I won’t say necessarily, I knew what I was doing at the time…”

    Blackout. If there were a Mount Lushmore, her haggard face would be on it, front, center and cock-eyed.

  3. They will do absolutely anything to keep control including treason and attempted murder. I truly believe some powerful people wanted that shooter to take Trump’s life,

  4. Trump is kryptonite to these Marxist demons.

    And you just know Joe and Jill are seeing this.
    They may be plotting to spill everything they know on her.
    (Of course, that goes both ways with these criminals.)

  5. Pelosi is just a Classless C*nt!
    If she wuz from the Bronx she’d a told Jackass Joe: “Fukouttahere”
    Instead (because she’s from San Fransicko) she probably told him: “if you don’t stand down I’ll send my husband over there in his underware to hammer the point home!”


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