Pelosi Just Tweeted Her Most Offensive ‘Crumbs’ Comment Yet – IOTW Report

Pelosi Just Tweeted Her Most Offensive ‘Crumbs’ Comment Yet

DAILY CALLER: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi again referred to bonuses companies are giving workers on the heels of the GOP tax cuts as “crumbs” Friday afternoon.

Pelosi has now referred to bonuses, pay raises and tax breaks for American workers as “crumbs” on three separate occasions while criticizing the GOP tax reform bill passed in December.


Pelosi called it “obnoxious” that workers are grateful for the extra money in their pocket and included an image of a worker getting a crumb from an elephant. Pelosi said:

Pretty obnoxious the GOP thinks workers should be weak-kneed with gratitude for corporations giving them pennies while pocketing a multi-billion dollar tax break stolen from the future of the middle class.

The tweet higlights an odd week of messaging for Democrats on the GOP tax cuts.

Pelosi insinuated that $1,000 in extra salary for American families each month are “crumbs” twice in the past few weeks. The House Minority Leader then compared the boost in salary to a “little piece of cheese” in a mouse trap on Thursday. MORE

30 Comments on Pelosi Just Tweeted Her Most Offensive ‘Crumbs’ Comment Yet

  1. I used to think that someone needed to throw a bucket of water on Nan & just let her shrivel up
    but now I’m rethinking that she’s a gift that keeps on giving … keep it up phucktard!

  2. Keep that strategy up. After 8 years of losing jobs and stagnant wages people are damn happy when they see their 401k account statements and I have never known anyone that thought a surprise $1k bonus was a crumb. Far better than the $40 the Dems touted as meaningful years ago.

  3. Well Nancy, when you have a net worth of $120,000,000 I understand why you refer to $1000 as crumbs.

    Hey Nancy, send some crumbs my way, like stop taxing my social security checks.

  4. They’ve got nothing, and they know it!
    They have resorted to stupid claims that only make sense to the morons that are still watching the lamestream media, like 2018 will be a democrat landslide and Trump won’t last until 2020…

  5. got this idea from Czar on another thread ….
    we need to hold a telethon to send the ‘Dreamers’ back to their homeland

    “Can’t you just spare $19 dollars a month to give the gift of repatriation to these unfortunately displaced people, through no fault of their own, that were ripped up from their neighborhoods, their childhood friend, their culture, their identity & placed in a foreign land? …. & remember $10 dollars of every donation goes to building a big, beautiful Wall!”

  6. This is counterintuitive to the Socialist financial model and she can’t understand how it works. The Government is suppose to collect all monies and redistribute it fairly.

  7. Nanny pelosi is from little Italy in Baltimore were all her family’s were government workers. She took her husband name pelosi . Her name is Nancy D’Alesandro her father was the mayor of Baltimore and also U S congressman in Maryland . She move to San Francisco . She is no good bitch just like her family.

  8. Sorry O/T
    Talk of CRIMINAL CONSPIRACYfrom Rep. Matt Gaetz
    “To have this specific language used by a lawmaker tells us exactly where things are headed. … Example. Five guys get together and talk about killing someone but only one of them carries out the murder. File conspiracy to commit murder charges, prove that they conspired, and they all go down.

  9. Ruling class democrats are the kind of people who can sit at home and write an impassioned speech to express how much they care for the working classes, and then berate the butler for putting too much cinnamon in their hot toddy and then tell the nanny she won’t get paid until she gives the “master” a blow job.

  10. There can be little doubt….the money that Pelosi and her hubby have forced from the average tax-payer and/or consumer would most certainly make a tax break for the local deplorable look like crumbs.

  11. $1000 is nothing to her. To her, it’s one dinner.

    To a working person, it’s a washer and dryer set, a car repair, a big chunk of their maximum out of pocket health insurance deductible, or maybe a vacation you haven’t taken in ten years. School clothes for the kids.

    Mind you, these are the same people who always claim that giving more government welfare stimulates the economy.

    If people ever actually received a full, untaxed paycheck they would see that they would live a lot easier than they do now. But those “how do LGBTBBQWTF penguins evolve in chauvanistic patriarchal arctic constructs” studies don’t pay for themselves.

  12. My father-in-law has Alzheimer, and although he leaned conservative before, he now is a raving lunatic when it comes to politics. Just shows that you need a brain to actually understand what’s going on. Obviously NP no longer has a functioning brain, if she ever had one.

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