Pelosi: No Vote on Impeachment Inquiry; Rejects Precedent, Rules – IOTW Report

Pelosi: No Vote on Impeachment Inquiry; Rejects Precedent, Rules

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) rejected a request by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Thursday that the full House vote on whether to authorize an impeachment inquiry, in keeping with precedent.

On Thursday morning, McCarthy wrote to Pelosi to ask whether she intended to comply with the precedent set in three previous presidential impeachment inquiries (Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton) of having the full House vote to authorize an investigation.

McCarthy also asked whether Pelosi would comply with precedent by letting the minority have equal power to subpoena witnesses, allowing the president’s counsel to cross-examine them, and having the House Judiciary Committee lead the investigation (as required under existing House rules).

Pelosi responded that there was “no requirement under the Constitution, under House Rules, or House precedent that the whole House vote before preceding with an impeachment inquiry.”more here

15 Comments on Pelosi: No Vote on Impeachment Inquiry; Rejects Precedent, Rules

  1. Pelosi is frantic. Any day now, it will come out their her son, Paul jr., was involved in similar foreign aid siphoning scams as Hunter Biden. Paul Pelosi Jr. was a board member on Viscoil Inc. and an executive with a related company, NRG Lab. Both were involved in “energy research” (i.e. Solyndra type scamming of taxpayer funds). Both were involved with the energy sector in… guess where?… Ukraine.

  2. Do it ‘by the book,’ Nancy. Or even THIS will blow up in Democrats’ faces.

    On second thought, you’re fine. Proceed as planned. All the Democrat Congressmen in Trump states will have to explain themselves to their electorate. And they’re ALL up for reelection.

  3. i think it’s called “discovery,” and i think democrats will not like it…..

    this is why there will never be a house vote on impeachment….without the vote, there is no subpoena power…..

    nevertheless, the democrats/media will scream about repubs not producing the demanded documents, proving obstruction of justice!!!!!….even though, without a vote to impeach, there is no impeachment power to subpoena ……

    they are counting on people’s ignorance……which is always a great democrat plan…..that’s why they don’t allow schools to actually TEACH anymore…..


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