Pelosi Predicts Next Stimulus Package Will Top $1 Trillion – IOTW Report

Pelosi Predicts Next Stimulus Package Will Top $1 Trillion

Yahoo! News

During a private conference call with Democrats on Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said at least $1 trillion will be needed for the next coronavirus relief package.

Last month, Congress passed a $2.2 trillion stimulus package, and Pelosi said the next bill will build onto that, people on the call told Bloomberg News. Pelosi said there will have to be more direct payments to individuals, extended unemployment insurance, and additional funding for food stamps and the Payroll Protection Plan, which provides small business loans.


21 Comments on Pelosi Predicts Next Stimulus Package Will Top $1 Trillion

  1. She will stuff it full of ignorant crap just like Shem did the first time. She has all the intelligence of a concrete block. She went over the hill years ago. The nastiest beach in SF is mow Pelosee Park.

  2. They’re setting up this unemployment where many people will be making more unemployed than they were working. Who the hell is the brainiac who came up with that idea? And Nancy’s trying to set the stage so it appears as if her and the dems are providing the relief. Trump better get out ahead of this or public opinion will start turning away from him.

  3. Don’t worry the rich will make out just fine, and the peasants will remain peasants and will have picked up a few thousand pals from over the border.

  4. @Anon – do you really want a free handout on the backs of the US taxpayer?

    I had an ex-boyfriend who boasted to me at our break-up, with a smirk on his face, that he had managed to save a lot of money during our relationship. So I said, “Well, you can never say truthfully that I took advantage of you.” Kind of took the wind out of his sails.

  5. I can smell the spoiled pork in this bill from here. That hag will put in every money laundering scheme the DNC has ever though of. Hell I bet even the Klinton Foundation gets a cut for Haitian relief.

  6. ” … do you really want a free handout on the backs of the US taxpayer?”

    I’d prefer that to being the taxpayer who pays for it, which is what I am now.

  7. @Gladys April 7, 2020 at 6:01 pm

    > do you really want a free handout on the backs of the US taxpayer?

    Hmm… Do I want the US taxpayers to buy me a box of bullets? Or do I want them to buy those that call me “enemy” another box of bullets? You know, that’s a good question.

  8. @Anon – “… do you really want a free handout on the backs of the US taxpayer?…

    “…I’d prefer that to being the taxpayer who pays for it, which is what I am now…”

    Ummm, read your statement again. I hate to burst your bubble, but if you get a handout from the federal government you’re still paying for it.

  9. Nobody has got the first check yet so double zero is still ZERO you friggin nasty old hag!

    When the bill for all these “stimulus” plans comes due IMHO it will not be China footing it but the american tax payer when it comes time to file your taxes in 2021.

  10. So, when they can’t pass a budget and do the “continuing resolution” trick, all the $$$ magically becomes part of the new baseline. Think about that.

  11. If doling out Federal Cash and being rewarded with laundered money was a felony Tokyo Rose Pelosi would have been in prison 30 years ago and still have 20 years to go.


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