Pelosi: Public Not Smart Enough to Understand Impeachment – IOTW Report

Pelosi: Public Not Smart Enough to Understand Impeachment


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently expressed concerns that the American public is not smart enough to truly understand the impeachment process.

The California lawmaker has been hesitant to jump aboard the impeachment train alongside the more “energized” members of her party. Prior to the tumultuous 2018 midterm elections and Mueller report results, Pelosi promised impeachment was “off the table.”

“Going into the [2006] election, I said it’s off the table. I didn’t mean it’s off the table if you had some goods. If somebody has information, then we can act upon it,” Pelosi toldRolling Stone. “But from what we know now, it’s off the table.”

“Even with Trump. If you got something, show it,” Pelosi continued. “But I’m not going after it. What we’re going after is the economic security of America’s working families.”

Pelosi seemed to have a change of heart last month and accused Trump of being involved in a “cover-up.”

“We do believe that it’s important to follow the facts. We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States. And we believe the president of the United States is engaged in a cover up,” she said after emerging from a meeting with House Democrats.  more here


Maxine Waters Admits Her Crusade to Impeach Trump Has Little Support.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), one of the first lawmakers on Capitol Hill to support impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, admits that the American public does not support her position.

“I do believe that our country is a bit unsettled because we have the president — the likes we’ve never seen before. We have people coming from all different directions in our society saying something is wrong, and members of the California society want members of Congress to do something about it,” Waters told Cheddar in an interview outside the California Democratic Convention over the week.

The House Financial Services Committee chairwoman then conceded that polls show Americans disagree with her on impeachment — but expressed optimism that the tide will turn once the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, which cleared the 2016 Trump campaign of criminal conspiracy with Russia, is better understood.

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28 Comments on Pelosi: Public Not Smart Enough to Understand Impeachment

  1. Here’s what that stupid woman Pelosi doesn’t understand: in spite of the fact that Impeachment is a Political procedure, the American people are fair-minded and only expect Impeachment proceedings if the President has commited a crime. Since the Mueller Report, the American people know there is no crime and this is just a with-hunt by a witch.

  2. “What we’re going after is the economic security of America’s working families.””

    …unintentionally honest, there. They HAVE been going after the economic security of America’s working families for DECADES, with the apparent intention of DESTROYING it.

    …see, load them up with senile old ladies and no-filter, no-brain millenials like AOC, and the mask slips off BIG TIME.

    …now, if we JUST had an actual opposition party that REALLY wanted to WIN, this would be some SUPER easy campaign commercial writing…

  3. The Demonrats’ main objection to President Trump is that he’s an American.

    They have not provided a single instance of the President telling a falsehood, deceiving the public, abusing his Authorities, profitting from his position, “colluding” with foreign governments, or “covering up” any alleged “crimes.”

    Put up or Shut up.
    Pretty simple, really.

    If NO evidence of a crime exists, then there is NO crime!
    See how that works?
    A body. A wound. Mysterious investment gains. Foreign governments “investing” in your Foundation. Missing TARP money. Missing “infrastructure” money. Missing “socialist security” money. Your spouse suddenly breaking free from 30 years of debt. You don’t pay your taxes and the IRS has other things to worry about. A “secret” unsecured computer server with classified documents accessible to foreign governments, foreign agencies, and businesses who “donate.”

    I assume this is Law 001.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Pelosi who can’t seem to complete a coherent sentence without stuttering, stammering and pausing is questioning our comprehension?
    The heavily weathered old sow is barely clinging to her grasp on reality and she’s decomposing before our eyes.

  5. “A body. A wound. Mysterious investment gains. Foreign governments “investing” in your Foundation. Missing TARP money. Missing “infrastructure” money. Missing “socialist security” money. Your spouse suddenly breaking free from 30 years of debt. You don’t pay your taxes and the IRS has other things to worry about. A “secret” unsecured computer server with classified documents accessible to foreign governments, foreign agencies, and businesses who “donate.””

    …but, but, Trump’s a racist, or sexist, or SOMETHING…DON’T LOOK AT THAT WOMAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN! See, Trump looked a a vodka bottle once, that proves collusion, and since he didn’t TAKE it it’s obstruction as well, we…HEY! STOP LOOKING AT MUELLER’S PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT AND URANIUM ONE CONNECTIONS WHEN WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HOW EVIL TRUMP IS!

  6. She’s got a point. There are definitely a whole lot of idiots out there. Her very presence in Washington supports that fact. But don’t even bother trying to explain Maxine Waters’ presence.

  7. “We do believe that it’s important to follow the facts. We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States.” So why haven’t you gone after Obama???? Yea, we know why…

  8. Rancid Nan isn’t smart enough to understand that she herself is impeachable. Influencing legislation that enriches your spouse, and by necessity yourself, certainly qualifies as a “high crime or misdemeanor” in any reasonable person’s book.

  9. Similar to the Maslow theory where:
    When your main tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

    When your main tool is a democRAT, everyone looks like a idiot!
    When your main tool is a Maxine Waters, everyone looks like a primate!

  10. It’s a smokescreen. Recent House rules changes will enable the dims to basically hold an inquisition during which enough “evidence” will be amassed to begin impeachment.

    Pelosi may be a blithering idiot, but she has occasional lucid moments. It’s during those times that her staff of sharks and piranhas show her how to effectively maneuver against Trump.

  11. The people that aren’t smart enough to understand impeachment are the people nearest to her.
    The demonrat members of the house she, ahem, leads.

    The rest of us are fine and understand both impeachment and what they’re up to well enough.


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