Pelosi Puts Another RINO on Her Sham January 6th Committee – IOTW Report

Pelosi Puts Another RINO on Her Sham January 6th Committee

Business Insider

During a morning appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” the California Democrat said she would have to consult with Kinzinger about the committee, who has been one of the most prominent Republican voices against former President Donald Trump’s influence within the party.

Shortly after Pelosi’s television appearance, Kinzinger released a statement confirming that he would join the committee. More

16 Comments on Pelosi Puts Another RINO on Her Sham January 6th Committee

  1. From the get go none of this made sense to me. Yes, Pelosi (by reason of her being speaker and holding the majority party) gets to decide if the Jan 6th Committee will move forward, fine. But she does not get to pick the opposition party participants, McCarthy does. So when she came out and 86’ed Jordan and Banks, which she can’t do, and Lunz’s landlord agreed with it, it all went into Bizzaro world for me.

    Some real honest to goodness conservatives need to be on this committee, for no other reason (OK, maybe a few more) than to expose the cover up behind Ashli’s murder.

    I don’t understand what McCarthty is doing, this ,”I’m taking my ball and going home) bit looks like capitulation to me.

  2. @rich taylor July 25, 2021 at 9:18 pm

    > this ,”I’m taking my ball and going home) bit looks like capitulation to me

    Because looking like you’re capitulating to those that call you enemy, by agreeing their demands, is how we WINNNING!

  3. “I don’t understand what McCarthty is doing, this ,”I’m taking my ball and going home) bit looks like capitulation to me.”

    Not if he keeps his word and holds his own investigation. It’s very obvious that this was planned and facilitated by Pelosi. She’s playing a dangerous game. However I don’t have a lot of faith in McCarthy.

  4. Other obvious candidates.
    6 Republicans Who Voted On Impeachment
    Sen. Ben Sasse: (Nebraska)
    Sen. Pat Toomey: (Pennsylvania)
    Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah)
    Sen. Susan Collins (Maine)
    Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
    Sen. Bill Cassidy (Louisiana)

  5. Kinzinger isn’t even a RINO. He’s a communist. Wait no. You have communist and then 3 levels below communist there’s Kinzinger. He’s a complete waste of space.

  6. @ecp July 25, 2021 at 9:49 pm

    > Kinzinger isn’t even a RINO. He’s a communist. Wait no. You have communist and then 3 levels below communist there’s Kinzinger. He’s a complete waste of space.

    Not at all! He makes all the Conservatives(TM) in those two levels between look FEORCE!

  7. Kevin has been Nancy’s patsy/gofer for 3 years. He did her bidding last week when he actively sanctioned the conservative witch hunt! Now he says he really did not mean to endorse a conservative witch hunt. KEV LIES! He has hated conservatives since he was born.

    His lies to the contrary. Kev is, and has been, happy to be Nancy’s puppet. Ignore his dishonest words and pay attention to his far left deeds!


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