Pelosi Says Sexual Harassment Claims Against Cuomo are “Credible” – IOTW Report

Pelosi Says Sexual Harassment Claims Against Cuomo are “Credible”

Nothing would tickle me more than to see the Cuomhole family go down in flames.

Never have there been an undeserving brood of narcissistic shitstains, including the horrible Mario.


Nancy Pelosi calls sexual harassment claims against Cuomo ‘credible’

The California representative joined a chorus of Democrats calling for a truly independent probe into the accusations of misconduct lodged against Cuomo by two of his former staffers.

“The women who have come forward with serious and credible charges against Governor Cuomo deserve to be heard and to be treated with dignity,” Pelosi said in a statement.

“The independent investigation must have due process and respect for everyone involved.”


Of course, what is possible is that the investigation will have a conclusion before it’s started, and that this murdering asswipe is innocent.

11 Comments on Pelosi Says Sexual Harassment Claims Against Cuomo are “Credible”

  1. Always analyze Pelosi’s motives. Either they want Cuomo out of the way before the election because he is going to lose, or the fix is in, and they already have paid off the victims and/or the judge, or, as has been said before, the whole sexual harassment thing is to distract from the nursing home murders. Or all three.

  2. progtard d’rats cover-up w/ the old ‘harassment’ canard for the greatest d’rat mass-murderer in US history

    …. such convenient bullcrap

  3. Like Dianny said, it’s not about getting Cuomo out of office – it’s about smearing enough caca on him so that he stinks too bad to be considered for the Democrat Presidential candidate in 2024.

    When the Media shields come down, you know the Powers That Be have made their decision.

  4. But she is just hunky dory with the entire Biden clan?

    That’s how progs roll. Situational ethics and moral relativism is the rule. Whatever advances their agenda de jour.

  5. Pelosi turning on the Governor is not a surprise as it must have had a monetary incentive. Pelosi would have handed out towels at Auschwitz for five cents each.

  6. Misdirection – look over here while we do something over here that you won’t be focused on. Look at sexual misconduct, we don’t want you looking at murder, that might sting. Same political game as always.

  7. what about pelosi?

    she used to send state police to come get me when i was 10 and make me have sex with her for hours in the old lot behind the school. on wet dirty blankets. in front of all her aids. and make me call he mommy while we were doing it. and wear a donald trump mask. and she made me rub her feet after.

    no matter how hard i cried.

    isn’t that sexual harassments?


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