Petulant Punk in Chief Orders Cabinet To Give Him a Bucket List of Dictatorial Wishes – IOTW Report

Petulant Punk in Chief Orders Cabinet To Give Him a Bucket List of Dictatorial Wishes

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama told his Cabinet on Tuesday to look for areas where he might be able to govern by executive action given gridlock in Congress that is hampering his agenda.

In a White House meeting, Obama brought together the top officials in his government a day after conceding that a deadlocked Congress will prompt him to act on his own authority where he can on an immigration overhaul.


Obama said he wants to work with Congress where possible, “but if Congress is unable to do it,” then he said his Cabinet officials and agency heads should look for areas where executive actions can “show some real progress.”

“The people who sent us here, they just don’t feel as if anybody is fighting for them or working them. We’re not always going to be able to get things through Congress … but we sure as heck can make sure that the folks back home know that we are pushing their agenda and that we’re working hard on their behalf,” Obama said.


15 Comments on Petulant Punk in Chief Orders Cabinet To Give Him a Bucket List of Dictatorial Wishes

  1. I feel my brain short~circuiting every time I read or listen to something this tool has to say. He’s got pocket loads of straw men for every argument he makes. He talked about now having a humanitarian crisis on our southern border…but failed to mention that he caused the crisis…with intent ffs! Can’t even look at him anymore.

  2. “The people who sent us here, they just don’t feel as if anybody is fighting for them or working them.

    Listen douchebag, the people that sent you there are now having buyer’s remorse so the only one you’re fooling is YOU.

  3. Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs … !

    When will ENOUGH be ENOUGH?

    How much shame and dictatorship are we willing to tolerate?

    Hitler died in a bunker, by his own hand.
    Stalin died in bed.
    Castro died in bed.
    Lenin died in bed.
    Kim il Sung died in bed.
    Kim Jong-il died in bed.
    Mao died in bed.

    They NEVER leave of their own volition.

  4. ““The people who sent us here, they just don’t feel as if anybody is working for them.”

    Listen Barky, you’ve got to tell Soros, Warren Buffett, your campaign donor cronies, and all the EBT/Obamaphone leeches, that there comes a point when you’ve taken enough money from honest people.

  5. “The people who sent us here, they just don’t feel as if anybody is fighting for them or working them.”

    ‘The people’ is who the representatives in the House represent. The very chamber you blame and despise.

  6. Getting laws changed or new laws passed was intentionally designed to be very difficult. Our founding fathers knew what they were doing when they set up our country. That old saying “It would take an act of Congress to…” has been around a long darn time Barky, long before you were spawn from that drunken orgy you ignorant ass! Now go sit in the corner and STFU!

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