Pew Finds The Rest of World Not Happy With Our President – IOTW Report

Pew Finds The Rest of World Not Happy With Our President


In just a few short months the rest of the world’s view of The United States has declined 15 percent in favorability. Pew puts it all on our new president since confidence has skidded downwards from 64 percent for Obama to 22 percent for Trump.


46 Comments on Pew Finds The Rest of World Not Happy With Our President

  1. Really? If the world truly supported obummer and hates Trump then friends we have finally found the place America needs to be.

    When they come to find out he doesn’t talk out of all sides of his mouth and is not a complicated prodigal thinker – they’ll come around.

    Or of course the heck with’em if they can’t take a joke.

  2. I’m sure it has. Obama put everyone but Americans first, and Trump is the opposite. Now the rest of the world is going to have to deal with the fallout from their own failed “progressive” policies without sympathy and hopefully, money from us.

    The world still needs us a lot more than we need anyone else, and they know it.

  3. I’m not surprised. Obama proved that he wasn’t a strong leader in any catagory and the rest of the world either shared his leftwing views or knew they could push him around. Now that Trump is in there is some shaking of knees as they realize that America once again has a leader who will do what’s best for his country, will be a hard negotiator on the international stage and will not be cowed or pushed around either by opponents in his own country but especially by foreign ones. Hell, a foreign favorability rating should be a mark of honor for a country’s leader.

  4. Refusing to transfer trillions to other nations in the marginal fight against climate change and a willingness to protect the borders isn’t going to do down well with those abroad who think the United States owe them something.

  5. Unbelievable that America, the leader of the free world, elected a complete non-leader. I have rarely seen anyone put in such a high position who lacked any leadership skill whatsoever. He damaged America, now has retired in luxury, headed to the most expensive vacations anywhere, clueless to the hurt state of the our people.

    Even the “comedian” with the lousy teeth has commented on the bad visual put forth by the Obamas as they give America the big FU and collect the big bucks:

    ““I’ll tell you who should kick back a little less,” said HBO host John Oliver in an interview with Seth Meyers on Late Night Monday. “This might be controversial – I’m a little sick of seeing photos of President Obama on vacation with Richard Branson. Just tone it down with the kite-surfing pictures. I’m glad he’s having a nice time – America is on fire.””



  7. The reason that Obama had such a high rating is because the other nations knew that any deals he made would benefit those nations and screw the U.S. Trymp is rated low, because they know that he’s a businessman and will be making deals that benefit the U.S. over those nations, which is as it should be. The American President shotld be doing everything in his power to put America first.

    Pew conveniently ignores this little fact because they don’t like Trump. In other words, they are a liberal research center, and don’t give a shit about America or Americans.

  8. President Trump (goose bumps, man I love saying that phrase) has the confidence of the people that count, his own citizens. Telling the communists of the world to go suck it = WWWWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!

  9. MAGA!!!

    Of course most of these countries hate trump, they had a pushover they bossed around for the last 8 years. Dad’s home from work now, Beatches!

    Funny they didn’t ask Egypt, Libya, or Syria. Oh yeah, change of ownership there.

  10. They probably believe the international NYT.
    We are blessed with a first amendment right to express an idea not approved by government. Try that in Canada.
    And if you don’t speak English you probably believe The Big Lie.

  11. Wait until the filthy, lowlife, dirtbags realize they are now going to have to support themselves, fight ( and die) their own wars and put the tin cup away then they will really be peeing their pants!

  12. “proverbs 29:2>> when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice–but when the wicked rule, the people mourn”. Now am I not calling Mr. Trump a righteous man ( only god knows) but I do know that because of what he has done and is doing the rest of world can not stand him. As it has been said up above- Obama did nothing but bow and kiss azz but Mr. Trump bows to no man. I truly hope God has put him in this position as President to bring this nation back to it’s sense’s and back to God, otherwise my prayer is==come back quickly Lord and take me home.
    🙂 have a great day….. maranatha.

  13. Sounds like this to me.
    Oh boohoo, this new guy is mean, all the tv stations and new reporters say he super extra mean and nasty, and he said won’t give us free milk and cookies anymore.
    All the tv shows and newspapers said that previous guy was super extra nice, and we believed them because he always gave us more free milk and cookies than we could eat. And he never told or asked us to clean up our room. Not at all like the new guy who tells us to clean up our own mess.

  14. PEW is a progressive organization. They would of course side with countries expecting U.S. handouts, thanks to Despot Barry.
    In addition, Trump told NATO to pay their fair share. The Soros crowd hates conservatism, but the United States and our allies are benefiting “Bigly” because of President Trump. Piss on PEW.

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