Photo of Hammer in Pelosi Episode Released – IOTW Report

Photo of Hammer in Pelosi Episode Released

ht/ JD Hasty

18 Comments on Photo of Hammer in Pelosi Episode Released

  1. Word just came in that the Pelosi’s pet gerbil was admitted to Zuckerberg Animal Emergency at 02:45 Friday. He had a shoelace tied into a noose around his neck, smelled like shit and was suffering from a concussion. According to admitting papers he was dropped off there by a member of the SPCA who had been in the neighborhood doing welfare checks and found him staggering around mumbling incoherently.

  2. The truth has a habit of coming out. During the second press conference Chief Scott provided new information on the Pelosi home attack.

    ** According to Chief Scott, David DePape forced himself into the rear door.

  3. I remember eating a rash of shit, no pun intended because as a young 1LT FA XO I refused to believe a gerbil or hamster could go into a man’s butt.

    I was smart enough not to ask anymore questions but I always wondered how they got the live animal out.

    Thanks for clearing that up JD.

    I had heard a speedy 4 mention “felching” and I stupidly asked “what’s that” and boy howdy my gun bunnies were of to the races. That shit didn’t stop till I made Battery Commander.

    I was raised Mormon so I was pretty sheltered. I has no idea the scale of perversion in the real world.

    50 years later it brings me despair, but the scales are off my eyes. Sometimes I wish they were not…


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