Pigs are flying- a leftist who warns about the conspiracy between the government and the media – IOTW Report

Pigs are flying- a leftist who warns about the conspiracy between the government and the media

Controlling the narrative and censorship, all bad, whether from the left or right.

This lefty agrees.

ht/ marco

11 Comments on Pigs are flying- a leftist who warns about the conspiracy between the government and the media

  1. @BFH – I disagree, he is not a leftist but really more a classic liberal.

    Which I disagree with, but he is no leftist. Prager taught me to distinguish between the two and it is the leftists we need to concentrate on…

    @stirrin the pot – he has ALWAYS sounded like that.

    Listen, the guy is a piece of work with that whole WEIRD Kennedy thing, but he is a smart guy, I bet he has read most of those books behind him…

    And yes I remember his support of Chavez and support of Citgo gas.

    I still don’t think he is a leftist and NOT just based on he statement about this alone.

  2. The covid vaccine got him all wound up. Good.

    But his voice is more grating than Alex Jones, and that creaking chair makes him sound like he’s belowdecks in the Library Man o’ War.

  3. When I first saw this on another site, I couldn’t believe it was Robert Kennedy, Jr. assailing all those billionaires, and going after Dr. Fauci and the World Health Organization. As Kennedys go, he’s one of the worst, but it is fun seeing him promising to uphold the Constitution in order to fight Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and all the other big oligarchs and plutocrats who are perpetrating a health fraud against this country. Good thing his grandfather is long dead and in Hell. Worth listening to just for the ironic declaration that he’ll die with his boots on defending whatever the Hell that Kennedy is going on about while he fights the lockdown and Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates.

  4. and just think, it wasnt that long ago that Q was warning us that pedo’s ran the world and the media and high tech protect them.

    And in unrelated news, media refuses to talk about bidens laptop and techs are banning those who do

  5. Where the hell did that come from? Isn’t he part of the Chavez loving, freedom killing far left? Did someone slip a Red Pill into his Cool Aid? And my exit question: Does he still rail against the censorship of the Biden Lap Top scandal?

  6. Something seriously wrong with all Kennedys. They make my skin crawl.

    Crooks, rapists, predators. What a legacy.

    Enjoy hell.

    This dude is another phony freak show.


    Pass me the doobie, maybe I’ll feel better.


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