Pigs Fly- Kevin McCarthy Breaks With McConnell, Will Oppose $1.7T Omnibus Bill – IOTW Report

Pigs Fly- Kevin McCarthy Breaks With McConnell, Will Oppose $1.7T Omnibus Bill


House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., will reportedly campaign against the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that Senate Republicans negotiated with Democrats.

McCarthy’s break with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will reportedly come at a GOP lunch meeting Wednesday, just a day after Senate leadership agreed to the omnibus, according to Punchbowl News. Congress is expected to give a final vote on the package later on Wednesday.

House Republicans like Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., have taken issue with specific aspects of the bill aside from its huge price tag. Bishop pointed to what he called a “sinister” portion of the bill that allots nearly $600 million to encourage “family planning” in places where human population growth threatens animal biodiversity.


16 Comments on Pigs Fly- Kevin McCarthy Breaks With McConnell, Will Oppose $1.7T Omnibus Bill

  1. Did I just see that Hell might have frozen over, no probably not. McCarthy will find a way to come out for this bloated monstrosity of a bill some way or another in order to save face with all the rest of the democraps and RINO’s who voted for it. I don’t trust hardly any politicians anymore because the always pull the football away just as we’re ready to kick it.

  2. Meh.

    He knows it’s a meaningless gesture.

    Just more Kabuki for the masses.

    Bill passes anyway, McCarthy gets a campaign ad, and the knife is twisted into the Republic as RINOs say “we’ll get ’em next time” yet a fucking gain.

  3. Another $45 billion for Ukraine and Electoral Count Act.
    There isn’t anything in there that’s good for America, just the politicians.
    Using the FAKE Jan. 6 as a reason to pass more FAKE legislation.
    There won’t be any way to vote America out of the Swamp.

  4. McCarthy is an expert speaking against a Bill when he knows the democrats and RINOs control the vote anyway. His move doesn’t have anything to do with his principles, as mentioned, it is theatrical.

    That includes the closet democrat McCONnell and the usual RINOs in the senate who will pass the Bill.!


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