Pillow Guy Dares Dominion To Bring Defamation Suit – IOTW Report

Pillow Guy Dares Dominion To Bring Defamation Suit

Washington Examiner

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has a message for Dominion Voting Systems, which sent him a cease-and-desist letter over his continued claims that its technology allowed for an election that was rigged against President Trump: “Please sue me.”

“That letter is two weeks old, it’s a letter telling me to apologize. It’s a joke,” Lindell told the Washington Examiner. “Those machines are set to rig elections. If Dominion wants to sue me, I welcome it.”

He claimed the company was refraining from a lawsuit “because we have all the evidence of foreign interference,” referring to himself and other pro-Trump allies seeking to overturn the Nov. 3 election results.

“Please sue me,” he added. “Apparently, nobody wants to see the evidence in the midst of this election fraud. I want everybody to see the evidence.” More

Time for some new sheets. – Dr. Tar

22 Comments on Pillow Guy Dares Dominion To Bring Defamation Suit

  1. Careful Mike. Dominion will now have full support of the Dems and Govt. agencies. They’ll tie you up in court until you’re broke and broken. They won’t play fair.

  2. This is as good as any place for a thread “hijack!!!!”

    How safe is this particular platform from leftist control? Should IOTW Report be planning for a migration like The CTH did to a more stable platform? Does having your own server make it safer from leftist a potential leftist shut down? What is the initial cost? What are the maintenance fees? Can you still run ads or would a subscription be even safer? I feel that this is a discussion that needs to happen NOW. Look, the fans and readers of IOTW Report should realize by now that we are going to have to bleed a little (or a lot) to win this war. We need to ensure the safety of our sites PROACTIVELY not REACTIVELY.

    IOTW Report please respond.

  3. Truth is the defense against an intimidation lawsuit, and by suing you they would be calling for you to present the evidence of your claims to show them true.

    I doubt Dominion really wants that, but we’ll see. They’re in a position where they are virtually admitting the claims are true if they don’t sue now, like being called on a bluff in a card game.

  4. @FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie — BFH’s email address is in the right column towards the top of every iOTWR page. Your questions are valid but their answers really ought not be broadcast.


    @BFH: Are you sure you want Goggle to read all your gmail?

  5. “@BFH: Are you sure you want Goggle to read all your gmail?”

    FWIW, you can run an e=mail server right from your own private computer and bypass the public ones (or send email directly from one computer to another and bypass everything with a little more effort).

    Ask Hillary about that if you don’t know how.

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