Pizza Parties for Abortion Quotas – IOTW Report

Pizza Parties for Abortion Quotas

LZ: Abortion clinics receive incentives for the number of baby-killing procedures they perform.

And what are some of those incentives? Pizza parties.

A stunning new investigative Live Action video shows testimony from a woman named Sue Thayer, a former Storm Lake, Iowa, Planned Parenthood manager. In an interview captured on the video, she explains: “I trained my staff the way that I was trained, which was to really encourage women to choose abortion; to have it at Planned Parenthood, because it counts towards our goal.”

Thayer is also shown discussing the “program” for reaching a quota of abortions or abortion referrals — one of these motivations included pizza parties for the staff. Thayer said, “It sounds kind of crazy, but pizza is a motivator [for getting the abortion numbers up].”

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9 Comments on Pizza Parties for Abortion Quotas

  1. The butchering bitch that runs PP is none other than the daughter of former Texas governor, Ann Richards. She was a vile, old, lesbo, commie skank who Texans threw out of office when she declared that she “didn’t care what the people of Texas wanted(which was a CHL law), they weren’t gettin’ it!” She was leading the polls but after that statement, George Bush beat her handily.

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