Podesta: Calling Chelsea ‘Not Smart’ Is An ‘Understatement’ – IOTW Report

Podesta: Calling Chelsea ‘Not Smart’ Is An ‘Understatement’

DC– Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta said it was a major understatement when an important Clinton Foundation figure described Chelsea Clinton as “not smart,” a newly-leaked email reveals.

chelsea clinton surprised

The 2012 email is from the latest batch of leaked communications put out by the online hacktivist group Wikileaks. In the email, Podesta responds to Doug Band, a former Bill Clinton assistant who helped found the Clinton Global Initiative.

Band was irate because Chelsea had apparently launched an internal investigation of the Clinton Foundation’s finances, and then told one of former President George W. Bush’s twin daughters about it.
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14 Comments on Podesta: Calling Chelsea ‘Not Smart’ Is An ‘Understatement’

  1. Podesta. The traitor in HRC camp and he just keeps sucking money from the elite suckers.

    I wonder if HRC even gets to read any of the crap in Podesta’s email. She seems to be put in cold storage by her puppet masters, until a public appearance is needed. Then they pull her out, prop her up and put her talking points within reach.

    It becomes more and more clear why the poster boy for idiocy was chosen as VP candidate. Talk about the perfect puppet, when HRC is out of the way.

    I almost feel sorry for HRC; she is the biggest patsy of all time. Set up just to be sacrificed by the real leader of the pack:George Soros.
    Almost, I said, because she deserves all the treachery and traitors around her.

  2. As much as I would like to curl up in my man cave testing new craft beers and repeating that Chelsea is stupid I cannot, due to a timeline question.Do these guys think that she is stupid due to general interactions over time or because she was smart enough to sense that people were robbing her Legacy and sought out forensic accountants? If it is the latter, she is being called stupid because they got caught due to an action she took…a little different.

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