Police in Louisiana Signal Curfew By Blaring Siren From the Movie The Purge! – IOTW Report

Police in Louisiana Signal Curfew By Blaring Siren From the Movie The Purge!

KATC– The Purge” is a horror film that depicts a time in America when a national holiday is celebrated (The Purge) in which all crimes, including murder are legal for a 12-hour period. 

In an effort to alert residents to the parish-wide curfew in Acadia Parish, Crowley Police rode around town broadcasting an alarm signal at 9:00 last night, but it’s not what anyone expected.

The implementation of the siren, which Crowley Police told residents would be different than regular police sirens, is to enforce the 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew. When residents hear this sound, Crowley Police say it is for their citizens to be notified that they are not allowed to leave their homes until the following morning.



28 Comments on Police in Louisiana Signal Curfew By Blaring Siren From the Movie The Purge!

  1. “…they are not allowed to leave their homes until the following morning.”

    WT … heaping, steaming pill of fuque-wad crap … F ????????

    … & I though my Gulag was bad! … the CCP is jealous

  2. Acadia Enforcers:

    There is nothing anyone needs to be on the roads besides emergency situations.

    That would imply that the enforcers shouldn’t be on the road, either, unless we’re to regard the possibility that someone may be violating their stinkin’ curfew as an “emergency situation”.

  3. wonder if they’ll shoot you if you take your dog out for a squat after 9:00?

    people should show up at City Hall w/ bags of dog dookie that they cleaned up in their houses ’cause they couldn’t let the pooch out

  4. I had my kids convinced for a long time that the ice cream truck was actually the “music truck”.

    Most kids are awake (even if in the rack as little ones) at 9pm. So their music truck is a bunch of arrogant power tripping nanny boys scaring the crap out of them.

    This next generation is going to have a hard time becoming adjusted adults.

  5. They are nuts in Oregon, but I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Louisiana and I think they are more nuts there. With that being said I would think it’s more likely this would happen in Oregon. I would be surprised for those coon asses to put up with that. Maybe that’s why it only lasted 1 night.

  6. What’s next for Acadia parish? Shooting curfew breakers? This is nuts! ALL gov’t leaders should be doing only as much as is absolutely necessary and does not diminish Constitutional rights. No one, as far as I know, has declared martial law have they?

  7. Keep scaring the crap out of people. We’ve had one successful and one attempted suicide in the past week in my town by people deciding to jump in our local river. Damn doom and gloom media reports and government gestapos pushing people over the edge.

  8. I have it from a pretty good source, that the Canadian military will be on the streets of T.O. within 2 weeks to enforce social distancing.

    Lets hope they will be delivering FOOD to older people rather than martial law.

  9. “a national holiday is celebrated (The Purge) in which all crimes, including murder are legal for a 12-hour period.”

    this must be based on the current situation of state governments letting criminals out of jail and prison so they don’t catch the kung flu

  10. This is more like “projecting what they want to happen”. They want criminals to commit crimes, which then can be used as justification for further crack-downs and further police-state actions. “See, we absolutely need the National Guard patrolling our streets”.


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