Portland, Maine Overwhelmed by Migrant Onslaught – IOTW Report

Portland, Maine Overwhelmed by Migrant Onslaught

Geller Report: Not mentioned in the article the increase in violent crimes: Portland, ME shows a crime rate that is 129% higher than the Maine average. is the number of rapes reported to law enforcement in Maine climbed to its highest point in recent memory, according to statistics released Thursday. There were 448 reported rapes in Maine in 2017, up from 383 the year before – a 17 percent increase – according to data that every law enforcement agency in the state collects and reports to the FBI. The figure is the state’s highest single-year total for rapes since at least 1994, the earliest year for which data is readily available.

Portland is ranked as the fifth most dangerous city in all of Maine.

The Democrats recently gained control of the legislature and the governor’s seat. Buckle your seat-belt and get outta Dodge.

The Maine Access Immigration Network (here) directs migrant to free Obamacare and conversations about female genital cutting. Nowhere do they say it’s a bad thing.  more

15 Comments on Portland, Maine Overwhelmed by Migrant Onslaught

  1. The fact that our northern cities are becoming Muslim shit-holes (Minneapolis, Dearborn and Portland, ME) should tell us where the border weak spots are located. All that porous wilderness terrain invites freeloaders and future terrorists.

  2. The immigration laws enacted by Congress in 1965 required that only unqualified, third world, non-white, dependent parasites be brought into the USA. This culturally destructive agenda was planned and enacted by Communists who have hated Christian/mostly White/Educated thinking Americans, wanting them eliminated, or deactivated. Those in power working to destroy America are the very same powers that Americans are not supposed to criticize, accuse or condemn for their vile and aggressive activities. The ones who now have the Presidency in their iron grip of destructive control. Deep State is no fiction as they trash the Constitution completely into oblivion. Allowing demonic traitor Pelosi to laugh at a forcefully hog-tied Trump.

  3. You have to physically fight back and intimidate them out of your neighborhood (like they do in Muslim countries) or you have to pack up and move away.

    There are only 2 choices.

  4. There doesn’t seem that there’s enough good people left to get organized and revolt. Too many agree with this insanity and many just don’t care. The longer we wait the more the odds are stacking against us.

  5. …it only took 3% of the entire nation’s population at the time to fight off the world’s best trained and best equipped army at the founding of this Country, @gin blossom.

    We did it before.

    We can do it again.

    It’s gonna happen.

    The only question is “When”.

  6. @tRuth January 29, 2019 at 5:45 am

    > Those in power working to destroy America are the very same powers that Americans are not supposed to criticize, accuse or condemn for their vile and aggressive activities.

    Patriots who swear oaths to traitors, who worship those oaths, who wave those oaths at “the people”, are heroes!

    (So I’ve been told.)

  7. @Mithrandir January 29, 2019 at 6:00 am

    > You have to physically fight back and intimidate them out of your neighborhood (like they do in Muslim countries) or you have to pack up and move away.
    > There are only 2 choices.

    @Mithrandir, you are so white!

    (People of color know there’s a third option.)

  8. @Supernightshade January 29, 2019 at 7:38 am

    > …it only took 3% of the entire nation’s population at the time to fight off the world’s best trained and best equipped army at the founding of this Country, @gin blossom.

    Many who claim to have the wherewithal, don’t want that fight. They want the next century’s kerfuffle. Where they get to keep the same borders, the same rulers, the same life they had — just with a new boss, same as the old boss. The house has been burned down. But today’s patriots want to squat in the ruins. And insist “If we run another flag up the poll, everything will be just like it was before.” (According to the stories I tell myself, about the long dead ancestors I never knew.)

    People with the wherewithal, to cross a frozen river, in the middle of the night, and end the duly recognized, lawful rulers, of themselves — to celebrate Christmas — are terrorists. According to patriots.

  9. When a moral people becomes an immoral people, they are soon defeated by their enemies who will then impose their type of morality on them.

    An immoral people does not put up a fight to maintain their values because they have none.

    That’s what happened to Rome, and that’s what is happening in the United States today.

  10. Anonymous — if you are a troll, you are the worst one I have ever read. I have no idea what your comments mean or what side you profess to be on.

    If you can’t communicate, learn some English instead of cutting and pasting nonsense…. “so I have been told.” [as you admit]


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