Portland proposes tax that will go in a fund that earmarks the revenue for everyone except able-bodied working white men – IOTW Report

Portland proposes tax that will go in a fund that earmarks the revenue for everyone except able-bodied working white men


oregon live- Portland voters could get the chance this fall to weigh in on a proposed tax on sales at powerhouse national retailers operating inside city limits.

Revenue generated by the tax would be deposited in a fund earmarked for renewable energy projects, environmentally friendly construction and green sector job training targeted at people of color, women, the disabled and chronically unemployed.

Have you ever heard of a tax that would go to pay for job training in the green sector for white people? No, of course you haven’t because that would be outrageous and unconstitutional. Not that I support this dumbass tax, but why didn’t they just say it will go to pay for environmental jobs training for all people? Maybe they think that is racist, like “all lives matter.”

And that’s hardly all that is wrong with this tax. Basically any national company that does business in Portland is going to be slapped with a 1% sales tax, which is probably another form of discrimination that violates the Constitution. Pretty much any national chain, including locally owned franchises are going to get slammed with an unfair tax.


14 Comments on Portland proposes tax that will go in a fund that earmarks the revenue for everyone except able-bodied working white men

  1. “… green sector job training targeted at people of color, women, the disabled and the CHRONICALLY UNEMPLOYED”. Now who would the “chronically unemployed” be? I doubt they’re talking about white loggers out of work due to the Spotted Owl.

  2. Some friend posted on Facebook how upset he was that federal government isn’t supporting ‘green energy’, which supposedly employs more than carbon energy does. Well if so it’s obviously extremely inefficient since it produces a fraction of the energy that carbon does. I want cheap energy.

  3. I propose we wall in these progressive cities so that when the economy eventually collapses there, these viruses won’t migrate to a healthy host.

  4. LCD,
    “Green” energy is pure scam.
    Will never be otherwise.
    Can’t get something for nothing – sad (for those who profit from digging in other people’s pockets), but that’s just the way it is.
    No perpetual motion, for instance, not even cosmically.
    Maggots want Federal “support” to extort taxpayer dollars where none are forthcoming from legitimate energy concerns. The petroleum and nuclear energy sectors know that “green” energy is complete bullshit – physics doesn’t lie.

    I know you (and most iOTWRers) know this, but I thought maybe some others might not.

    izlamo delenda est …

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