Possibility of a Third-Party No Labels Candidate Has Democrats Spooked – IOTW Report

Possibility of a Third-Party No Labels Candidate Has Democrats Spooked


The third-party No Labels group will stay out of the 2024 U.S. presidential race if polling shows its candidate would play a “spoiler” role by helping to elect either the Democratic or Republican nominee, co-chairman Joe Lieberman said on Sunday.

The group will on Monday release what it calls a “common sense” agenda of policies meant to help unite the country behind a cooperative moderate alternative to the partisanship that characterizes contemporary U.S. politics.

Lieberman, a former U.S. senator and unsuccessful vice presidential candidate, said No Labels hopes to offer a legitimate “third choice” candidate. More

Joe Manchin reportedly pondering running as the No Label candidate is starting to scare Democrats. Here

13 Comments on Possibility of a Third-Party No Labels Candidate Has Democrats Spooked

  1. Hate to write the same comment over and over, but it doesn’t matter who runs on any party. They will manufacture enough votes so the democrat wins. No question

  2. You guys are missing the point. RFK will make them cheat in the Dem. primaries. More disenfranchised voters. This time Liberals will be effected. Independents will suck more Dem voters this time around. Could be fun.

  3. I’m getting a banner for the Court building facade for the election.

    It will say NO STANDING.

    That should save everyone some time.

  4. Bobcat

    Lot’s of peeps fanatical about RFK. Plus enough accusations have been made about the big cheat that the suspicion will be front and center. Personally I think all this will help our cause.

  5. Progressive elites are such egotistical maniacs they really have no idea they are critically splitting the Democrat ticket by attempting to lump together a large liberal and RINO voting base. The “No-Labei” candidate is going nowhere.
    The communists backing Xiden will make sure a liberal voting block can’t stand on it own. Dream on, third party patsies.

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