Pot Tax to Subsidize College Scholarships – IOTW Report

Pot Tax to Subsidize College Scholarships

Is it Idiocracy yet?


Pot lovers in one Colorado county will soon be getting high for higher education. With a 60% majority, voters in Pueblo County voted on Tuesday to phase in a tax on marijuana growers that will support college scholarships and other endeavors, WTKR reports.

A young man smokes a marijuana cigarette at a park where people gathered to mark the First Worldwide March for Regulated Marijuana in Montevideo, Uruguay, Saturday, May 3, 2014.

The tax will begin in 2017, hit 5% by 2020, and should raise $3.5 million—half of which is slated for scholarships to one of two colleges, reports Reuters. “The whole point of the scholarship program was to make higher education a reality for families who can’t afford to send their kids to school because of debt,” says Pueblo County spokesperson Paris Carmichael.


14 Comments on Pot Tax to Subsidize College Scholarships

  1. I’m not dyslexic, but I tend to read too quickly sometimes. Just for a second, I read the headline as “Poll Tax to subsidize…” and boom – I was back in the Sixties again!


  2. Tax thepot GROWERS to send the tax USERS – who spent it all on their drug and have no interest much less ability to learn – to college.

    Just another Sin Tax.
    UP YOURS, “counter” generation!

  3. Hey stoners. It must ruin your high(s) knowing the government is stealing your profits. And you all were too high and stupid to realize Uncle Sam was gonna use your bong to feed its Dorito cravings.

  4. The expected tax revenue was greatly decreased due to the competition of black market sales.

    They had to lower the price of over-the-counter pot since you could get it on the street much cheaper.

  5. The grifters and thieves open another revenue stream. Sell it as a tax for scholarships, and then say they’re gonna use HALF for that purpose. I’ll bet that all the money disappears.

    Just like the Lottery to fund schools and roads.

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