Gavin Newsom is up to some shenanigans. Share this video
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) August 19, 2021
HT/ Brad
HT/ Brad
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Agent Shultz of the FBI took a look at it and saw nothing.
No worries. It’s not like I’m is gonna count them anyway.
…that’s really just so they know who TRIED to defy Leader Pelosi’s nephew, for, you know, later…
I drive over to the courthouse and drop it into the ballot box inside the building. I don’t care that anyone knows that I voted for Larry Elder.
You can check whether your vote was counted on a California state web site. I think this is the web site but you need to drill down.
We are sent absentee ballots. Our ballots have not been counted for the last 12 years. Reason given “N/A”.
The can eliminate your vote if the signature does not match your registration card. Rather subjective. So last time a round we called the county and were assigned a polling location. Our votes were counted. These dirt bag non elected government officials know that 85% of rural voters are conservatives.
On another note, the radio spots Newsom is running are hilarious.
“Who’s behind the recall, Trump Voters, Big money Trump donors, anti vaxers, ant maskers, and the same people the raided the capitol building”.
They forgot to add people that hate puppies.
If you want to understand why California is so Fd up here’s a great video. The Four Families That Rule California.
It’s to imagine the envelopes and the ballot were designed like that on purpose.
I NEVER vote by mail. Never.
They also dis this
Republican candidate Larry Elder is noticeably impacted by the way the ballot was created and folds added to the ballot. This is a low-tech hack of a ballot.
When folds run through candidate vote space it either does not scan and forces adjudication OR outright misaligns and auto-cancels the vote.
It helps the Balloticians cure the ballots faster. You heartless people must be against finding a cure.
Michigan had privacy sleeves. IDK about the source of the ballots though