Prager U Defines the Alt-Right – IOTW Report

Prager U Defines the Alt-Right

The left throws the term at just about anyone that calls them out for their identity politics and the media never questions their accusations to the point where the label has about lost its meaning.

Michael Knowles goes back to the founders to note that on two out of three core principles, the alt-right is the same as the socialist left.


22 Comments on Prager U Defines the Alt-Right

  1. That was helpful. With all these new terms being created to a weekly basis, it’s hard to keep up.
    That’s being done on purpose to confuse.

    Initially I thought alt right was something I could describe myself as. A conservative fighting the establishment republicans.
    Nope. Not that at all.

  2. I use to think it was all a way to troll the democrats where they are most sensitive and throw their own over blown rhetoric back in their faces. I started questioning the utility of the term when I saw Gavin McInnes adamantly deny that he’s Alt-right.

  3. The argument works better if you limit your definition to Spencer and/or NeoNazis.

    To include thinkers/writers like The Z Man, Vox Day or Kakistocracy is a losing proposition.

  4. @PHenry October 27, 2017 at 3:59 pm

    Because a professional “We’re the not-the-communist-party” member, would never mis-(accidentally, of course)-describe alternatives to the communist and not-the-communist party (not “parties”)?

  5. I wasn’t quite moved by that video, either. And normally Dennis nails it. But it sorta felt to me like somebody who had only watched a podcast about cooking was trying to come off like a master chef. Or somebody who’s never been laid describing sex. Or someone who is more cucked than they’d like to admit describing someone who a feminized society has told them is sorta yucky.

    I’m not “alt-right”, but I find many of the things that animate their conversations fascinating. I’m more of a “disgusted with the status quo perpetual rumpswabs long known as republicans and wish not to consort with them any longer” kind of guy. I don’t want the stink of their perpetual failure sticking to me.

    The ideas being bandied about by people being labeled “alt-right” are the very definition of what PC culture has declared as verboten.

    Which is why people are sick up their eye-teeth with PC culture.

    And the term “alt-right” is already dead, too, BTW. The minute that the Nazi larpers show up, and guys with beta-mail hair-dos and beards raid the lawn section at Wal-Mart for bamboo Tiki torches and show up for a parade, well, you can fold up the tent and go home, because your “movement” just died in its bassinet.

    I’ll betcha 90% of those clowns were Soros plants, equipped with factory-fresh swastika-festooned Party City costumes. Whatever.

    Czar mentions the Z Man above, and he’s a really good example of a guy who’s trying to engage in measured thought, witty writing, and smart dialogue about issues that many people find uncomfortable, like feminism, race, the impending death of traditional party-politics, our decaying culture, the decline of football, you name it, but just because our supposed betters have long since decided that they, the Davos set, has all of the answers doesn’t mean that the conversation is officially over.
    Far from it.

    I believe that many of the ideas being discussed on the so-called dissident right are an outgrowth of the fact that they HAVE been banned for so long, and have festered too long in the darkness. It’s time to whip open the curtains on failed social policies, the dumbing down of our culture, and the sorry state of white people’s self-regard and let some damn sunlight in.

    It is the best disinfectant, right?

  6. “I believe that many of the ideas being discussed on the so-called dissident right are an outgrowth of the fact that they HAVE been banned for so long, and have festered too long in the darkness. ”

    I dunno Chief. I think a lot of the “Neo Nazi”, dissident right, growth we’ve been seeing stems from whites being told they’re the root of all evil. Particularly the young people. If you’re young white conservative on any college campus these days, sooner of later you will feel like fighting back.

  7. Brad,

    I think we might be saying the same thing. If you tell someone that they suck for a generation or two, and that they can’t even consider the notion that perhaps they don’t actually suck all that much, it’s a guarantee that you’re fomenting some payback.

    I have a pair of conservative kids on college campuses as we speak, so I have a real good idea where their fellow students heads are at. And it’s scary.

  8. Chief,
    It seems we are making the same point. In my opinion a very bad thing. And to an extent what the Libtards have been trying to do for a long time. Our only chance of success in the long run is to frame the debate around values and not skin color.
    I just found out last week some of our local High School children have formed a Neo Nazi club. This would be the last community on the face of the earth you would expect to see that happen in. They’re not hard to spot. Shaved heads, dressed in all black with the exception of red suspenders.Usually riding their bikes in force.

  9. PS
    I can relate to your conservative kids going to college. My last one graduated last year. I’ve told them all, “Remember what you’re there for. Just smile agree, and walk out of there with the best GPA you can”. Well that worked for the first two but the youngest likes to argue. He escaped unscathed for the most part. He was lucky.

  10. There is no such thing as white people. Poles, Irish, Italians, Germans, Czech, French, European Spaniards, Welch, Scots, serbs, croats, Danes, Norwegian, etc. Are all different races.

  11. When I was in East Germany n 1990, we ran into a group of teenagers in Wittenberg who heard us talking and wanted us Americans to see their clubhouse where they met to bitch about communism. It was a little room off a side street, with a few chairs and some defaced government propaganda on the walls. We talked with them for a little while, but my West German friend became uncomfortable and said we had to get on our way to Leipzig.

    After we left, I ask him what was wrong, since the kids seemed nice enough. He said, “They are Autonome. Extreme right wing.” But when I checked the Autonome out later, they seemed more like leftists. So now, when I hear “alt right” I think “Autonome”.

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