Prager: Yes, Muslims Should Be Asked to Condemn Islamic Terror – IOTW Report

Prager: Yes, Muslims Should Be Asked to Condemn Islamic Terror


That is what civilized and moral people are expected to do — condemn those who murder in their name.

7 Comments on Prager: Yes, Muslims Should Be Asked to Condemn Islamic Terror

  1. Ta-ta-ta-taqiyyaaaa pet!

    Any Muslim who doesn’t denounce terrorism with a, praise be upon him peppered somewhere in between is a fcuking terrorist!

    Geezlus, why is this so complicated?

  2. A true Muslim is no more likely to disavow the teachings of Mohamad than a Christian is to disavow Christ.
    The only difference is that under Islam one is expected to lie if it furthers the cause. So such a requirement is meaningless.
    Had Hitler created Nazism as a religion it would still be relevant today.

  3. Victims speak out after nightmare New Year in Cologne .

    Police say the assailants were of north African or Arabic appearance, a fact born out by witnesses.

    “We were fondled, I was groped between my legs. My friends also were fondled. …..

    Cologne’s mayor, herself the subject of a violent attack in October by a man angry at her pro-refugee policies, was quick to deflect blame from the city’s most recent arrivals.

    “There are no indications that there are people involved here who have received accommodation here in Cologne as refugees,” said Henriette Reker.

  4. The world is in an abusive relationship with Islam. What is the correct way of dealing with an abusive relationship? Have no contact with the abuser and issue a restraining order. Zero contact. No money, aid, recognition, immigration, or enabling.

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