Preliminary Autopsy Of George Floyd Has His Lawyers Demanding Independent Examination Of The Body – IOTW Report

Preliminary Autopsy Of George Floyd Has His Lawyers Demanding Independent Examination Of The Body


Attorneys for a Minneapolis man whose last moments alive were captured by a bystander on a 10-minute cellphone video have requested to have an independent autopsy. More

For some reason ABC doesn’t quote the official preliminary findings from the county medical examiner.

Red State

This relevant portion of the report states:

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner (ME) conducted Mr. Floyd’s autopsy on May 26, 2020.

The full report of the ME is pending but the ME has made the following preliminary findings.

The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death. More

21 Comments on Preliminary Autopsy Of George Floyd Has His Lawyers Demanding Independent Examination Of The Body

  1. Underlying health conditions or not, Floyd would still be alive if Chauvin hadn’t crushed his neck and throat for almost 9 minutes.

    The guy was accused of trying to use a counterfeit bill at a convenience store (which he may or may not have known was counterfeit), he wasn’t involved in some kind of violent criminal activity and trying to flee from the police or violently attacking them.

  2. …toadja. Medical Examiner is White. They will use that and say they will NEVER accept the word of a White man.

    …you can doctor shop, too. I’m sure they can find some Somali doctor to do the exam whether it’s something he’s qualifed to do or not, bet Ilhan can pick one out for you, maybe even one she’s slept with.

    …and just like THAT, the cause of death was found to be White Racism (and Covid-19, but that’s ALSO White racism dontcha know)…

  3. …anyway, none of this matters. Chauvin was under orders from the Deep State to very publically execute a Black man that was about to blow up a counterfeiting scam in the foreign owned club they both worked in anyway. This was a DELIBERATE set piece to split the Black vote again from Trump, distract from coming indictments, tie up the DOJ in a no-win scenario, and ensure nary another word is said against Black Jeebus “Obama” because, racism.

    …after all, that dude Barry’s “Married” to will be “Drafted” at the Convention, so we have to make sure it’s racism armor is at full-strength since it can barely talk coherently, let alone win a debate on merit…

  4. Anonymous
    MAY 30, 2020 AT 10:10 AM
    “Underlying health conditions or not, Floyd would still be alive if Chauvin hadn’t crushed his neck and throat for almost 9 minutes.”

    …maybe, maybe not. I was once called to a midnight B-Ball game where there was a kid on the floor that was ripped and muscled and WAY healthier than I was, except for the fact he was dead. Turned out he blew out an aortic aneurysm, which is entirely asymptomatic until it kills you, and it wouldn’t have mattered if he had collapsed in the threshold of a cardiac ICU, he would have been dead anyway.

    There’s a number of things, some genetic, some from drugs, some from simple old age, that can weaken a heart to where just a little more stress will finish it, and no amount of humping and pumping will get it back. I’ve seen some shit, I know.

    A knee on the neck from a policeman is very stressful.

    Not saying it was right. Not saying it should have been done. Not even saying it wasn’t on purpose to deliberately CAUSE riots at the Democrats’ orders.

    Just saying there’s a WHOLE lot that can go wrong VERY QUICKLY with human physiology, especially in larger, older men that do drugs, that may be aggravated by a knee on the neck and not CAUSED by a knee on the neck at the same time.

    The ME probably is NOT lying.

    Whatever, the policeman got fired, then arrested, and the police in Cinci-fucking-nati had NOTHING to do with it. Neither did a closed bike shop, clothing shop, or smoke shop.

    There’s no justice in such places.

    There is only orchestrated, political chaos.

    Search “Krystallnacht” or “Brownshirts” for a fuller explaination, or “Night of the Long Knives” for a glimpse of the future…

  5. no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation

    Not even a bruise? Not even a smidgen of a scratch?

    Toxicology report coming, wait for it.

    agree with Petrus, covid-19 strikes again.

  6. Check the body for murder hornet stings.

    All sick joking aside, I figured it would unfold just like this.
    My gut reaction was right on target. When I saw the video of the other three cops just hangin’ out then I knew this was SOP for that crew. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  7. I won’t surprised if it turns out the cop and the perp were both involved in the same criminal enterprise and something went wrong. Maybe the cop(s) didn’t get his cut. And the ME that did the autopsy was a classmate of the ME that did Epstein’s autopsy

  8. There was a funny money operation being run out of the club and now that the federales are on it Demonrats are getting nervous.

    As with all things deep state this is going to boomerang on the Demonrats involved the hardest.

    17 years of pays offs gonna be uncovered and not a republican in sight.

    May even turn out to be a hit dressed up as a false flag to kick off the summer of burning and get rid of a loose end.

    Treasury will pull on the string and the whole damn edifice will collapse on Demonrats heads.

    Stand by for stunning revelations.

  9. If he was that fucked up, then why stand on his neck for *8 fucking minutes*?

    My guess is he died from a blocked carotid artery. So many other options to what happened that there is no excusing it. But I still think the rioters are a bunch of cunts organized by democrat communist shitbags.

  10. TheMule
    MAY 30, 2020 AT 2:36 PM
    “If he was that fucked up, then why stand on his neck for *8 fucking minutes*?

    My guess is he died from a blocked carotid artery. ”

    …you have 2 carotids to the brain, one on each side, with blood flow from either side thru the ischemic arch to the jugular veins. Cutting one off is insufficient.

    that’s why the outlawed “Sleeper Hold” is applied the way it is, so it cuts off BOTH. The point is to stop BLOOD from circulating, you’re not cutting off breathing at all if you do it right…

    …again, he probably had an underlying weakness and the extra stress just blew his heart or CV system up at the weak point. Doesn’t mean the cop was right, just means this wouldn’t be an effective way of killing someone healthy even if you wanted to…

  11. Dr. Michael Baden M.E may be the chosen one. This damned old fool is a total ass hole. You may remember Phil Spector, who put a loaded gun inside of Lana Clarkston’s mouth and fired it when she tried to leave his palace.. In comes Baden to do a second autopsy and his conclusion was Lana killed herself. Of course she didn’t and the jury knew it, and the great Baden lost and Spector is enjoying a life sentence.

  12. “May even turn out to be a hit dressed up as a false flag to kick off the summer of burning and get rid of a loose end.”

    That’s what I’m going with. Seems to be working well so far.
    They had Floyd subdued and under control at one point in time. After he’s subdued, cuffed, his safety is their responsibility. He was fine before he was subdued, he’s dead now. Period, end of story.


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